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  1. Int hunter not enough Damage?

    Thanks for the replies :) So Bracers +4 stats or 24ap? I might look into quest for Bleeding crescent, have 4 bars left :( Might have to camp out side Org for a week to get unrested xp. "I cannot see your hunter currentlly, although the whole basis behind the Int hunter is...
  2. Int hunter not enough Damage?

    Ok, if any has time or is interested in critiquing my hunter build and spec, i would appreacate it. I tried going for an Int build ( i hate running out of mana) but i feel that i may have lost a lot of damage by doing so. Perhaps i need to swap out an int wep enchant for agility? Is...
  3. Vendetta - Useless in 3.1?

    I have tried (on MH) crusader,+15 agility, and +5 wep dam enchants. I feel from my experience, that the +5 wep enchant has increased my damage the most. I generally use Solid sharpening on Main and Crip on off. How ever dual crip does work better when u need to slow them down, esp...
  4. You might be a noob if...

    - when u dont move to where your Fc is leaving the enemy base to support them - when you are too busy Hking to cut off the EFC after the defender calls out which way they are going, and u chase the lvl 21 druid into a corner and the enemy Fc gets back to base and they turtle for 1/2 an hour...
  5. What do you want from Twink Info?

    I definitely like the video idea, i have made one already (shameless plug) and I am continuing to learn how to use my video software to make some more. I even had a play around doing the Fony wire frame to full skin model thingy.. Worked well...
  6. signature

    Nope just a red X.....
  7. Rogue - how to beat a Hunter in a duel

    Yep i was mainly talking about one on one duels, and yes they always have track stealth. I found latley that most hunters in BGs run around with Track hidden rather than humanoid too. I know I certainly do on my hunter, flick it to humanoid when i enter a building to see whats in there, then...
  8. Favorite WoW Movie?

    I agree, and for the text responses to the video, I feel really sad for humanity and where it is headed.
  9. Grammar helps

    The point I was making about the Internet is that all people from all back grounds can access it. It is a melting pot. Therefore you will come across non english speaking people and also people from less ideal upbringings and social economic differences in schooling quality etc. My point was...
  10. Rogue - how to beat a Hunter in a duel

    I dont have the answer sorry :D I was hoping to get some ideas off other rogues and or hunters. My rogue is Subtlety, she has stealth on cloak, insignia of the horde. I just cant seem to get anywhere near a hunter when in stealth for Backstab without being seen. This is against...
  11. Grammar helps

    I agree that good grammar is a pleasure to read, however as stated in an above post this is the Internet. There are people from all over the world, from all different cultures and backgrounds. Do not be too hasty to judge others when you do not know their situations in real life.
  12. Favorite WoW Movie?

    i think this is by far the best wow related movie i have seen BLIND: The craft of war And one of mine WSG in 15min before shutdown,
  13. Sad day...

    Hmm, we have websense at work and game sites are filtered, thus no wowhead, thottbot etc... However this site runs perfectly fine and doesnt get picked up.
  14. Hunter - All in one Attack

    Im not sure if im reading this right. But if im on my rogue and i try and kill a hunters pet before the hunter im dead meat. Vice versa if im on my hunter and attacking a rogue, if the rogue went my pet they would be dead before they could kill my pet then me. I do agree tho that my...
  15. Deadman's Hand

    3 times for my hunter, havent tried on my rogue yet....
  16. Draw your twink!

    well thats pretty hard to control the brushes lol
  17. signature

    cheers Ikeelyoo, seems to work a treat.
  18. New Exploits (list + help)

    What i want to know is how on earth did someone work this out in the first place. who in their right mind would follow all those steps to accidentaly come across such an exploit?
  19. signature

    just tried replacing Asterix's with brackets didnt work.....
  20. signature

    im sure this is somewhere but couldnt find it. Is there a reason why Sigs dont show up? am i missing something? this is the code im using with out the Quotation marks "" Hmm why does the code work in the body of the message but not in my sig