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  1. Succubus: Seduction at 20s ???

    i would say the only good situation in which u prefere succubus over imp/voidwalker is posibly in arenas against palas, for the counter stun to the first 5s stun, so u can trinket the second. in most other cases the disarm of void, or the overall utility of the imp is just better
  2. Succubus: Seduction at 20s ???

    the autocast part is the one, which works at the 20-24 braket, if u send the succubus to attack when ur stun/feared.... she will seduce
  3. F2P's and P2P's

    dont missunderstand me, the thread was asking for sugestions of EU servers with high 20's population and low 24's population. im not crying over leaving my bracket.
  4. F2P's and P2P's

    yep i find its ok, when their 1 or 2, but their starting to grow popular especialy on EU server, and its just boring when they premade.
  5. F2P's and P2P's

    well its not the levels, but the skills u learn on those 4 levels, the equipment u are enable to get, and the enchants over 100 enchanting, so yea there is quite a difference
  6. F2P's and P2P's

    Im posting this thread because after reading a few posts in this forum about f2p twinks i became realy excited because i thought twinking would come back to life, i created my f2p account and start playing wow again. Although now after a few months playing im starting to think that 24's are more...