Search results

  1. Asswhoopin

    Which class/spec combo benefits the most from a faction xfer?

    Hey all Right now I have a 29 rogue that I want to xfer, but I was considering xferring her at a later date if I can create something new which would benefit more immediately from the transfer. In terms of "benefits," I mean anything attainable by one faction and not the other. I would...
  2. Asswhoopin

    Warrior Questions and Ideas

    Hi! I am getting back into the twinking scene. I have a 29 fire mage done but want a 19 fury warrior. Is it at all viable? Shadowfangs? Haste? Crit? Also, how important is stamina? I will probably be gearing a lot of damage, so what amount of hp do I need for viability? Anything...
  3. Asswhoopin

    Is Fury Even Viable?

    I'm looking to reroll warrior in this bracket after a long stretch of inactivity. Is fury even viable or is arms just the way to go? On a side note, I could roll monk, that has always been a personal favorite. Vote in the poll + comment below! Thanks!
  4. Asswhoopin

    Enh shammy?

    No, eleforce procs off flameshock and stuff, so its SOOOOO valuable u cant go without it. My 20 enhance is in my signature, just put mcgowans for weps (eleforce) and other no-duh looms where they should be. Oh btw, youre better off using stained shadowcraft gear not mail, just for the hit...
  5. Asswhoopin

    Smelting Pants w/ Leg Armor

    I believe that I've seen some people around with Scorched on a set of Smelting's. Is this possible and how can it be done IF it is possible? Thanks in advance. ---- a 19 monk trying to make a comeback.
  6. Asswhoopin

    82 Fury Warr LF Casual Arena Push (BiS toon)

    I am here to call any and all geared 80-84s to arena. I'd like to see more pops, but I am personally LF a good partner. Please be BiS or near BiS (horde, too). I have 2k+ exp and don't really care if you're DPS or Heals. If you're on Illidan and you are very committed, I might be able to help...
  7. Asswhoopin

    Stuff for US 10s to do.

    Tsunami#1383 Open all tonight, hit me up!
  8. Asswhoopin

    Stuff for US 10s to do.

    I would love to XPoff WSG, or schedule some wargame/wpvp. Anything suits me really. Crisped @ Laughing Skull - Community - World of Warcraft Grabbing DPR this Sunday.
  9. Asswhoopin

    Ring of Precision, Laughing Skull Horde

    Title says what and where I want to buy. Ring of Precision. Not xferring, just checking whose got what.
  10. Asswhoopin

    20 Enhance - Playing for the Challenge

    I wanted to ask opinions. I recently rolled a 20 Enhance, and regardless of extreme underpower, I love him to death. I just want some honest opinions on the class, spec, role, what I'm doing right/wrong (play/gear/w.e). You can find the armory in my Sig or hop over to Rating section for...
  11. Asswhoopin

    20 Enhance - Playing for the Challenge

    I felt bored of playing a 24 class with extreme faceroll abilities. So I rolled my 20 Enhance. Please check him out, Starsham @ Laughing Skull - Community - World of Warcraft. P.S. Should I take another Haste Heirloom Trinket over PvP trink? (Haste helps EF proc, one of my biggest...
  12. Asswhoopin

    Ret Pal LF Casual Xrealm Arena

    While you're here, rate my mog! But here's the armory: Hammerfåll @ Kel'Thuzad - Community - World of Warcraft I am looking for anyone willing to help me improve or help themselves improve. If you deem me worthy of your time, btag: Tsunami#1383 or pst here.
  13. Asswhoopin

    24 BM Monk - Monkstarr

    First off, thanks for reading. Secondly, how are BM monks in the first place? Now, I realize **I AM NOT BiS**. I want feedback. I know there is a lot floating around about monks, and want YOUR opinion. Having this said, shoot whatever you feel necessary at me. I would love to hear it. FYI...
  14. Asswhoopin

    Horde Sunwell, need EVERYTHING. Right NOW!

    Add Tsunami#1383, need everything and everyone. Please pull a 90 along if possible. Paingrips/Felfuries on res. Thanks!
  15. Asswhoopin

    85 Gearing RiDs

    Awesome. Didnt get it until just now, but we still need more! I would love to see a speed run group going constantly (preferably with me in it)!
  16. Asswhoopin

    85 Gearing RiDs

    No one? Okay, I'll lead by example. Tsunami#1383.
  17. Asswhoopin

    85 Gearing RiDs

    Looking for all US 85 Real IDs, just to coordinate Heroic Cata speed runs and DS25H runs weekly. Pretty self-explanatory from there, just leave it here and I'll add you when I check it. PS Dont forget the PvP!
  18. Asswhoopin

    Monk Advice

    Here is the general debate I've been going through in my head: BM or WW in 3v3? I like BM, and can play it, but WW is said to be more Arena-ish, but at the same time, BM has more stamina, snares, Clash, everything. Plus, I just rerolled on a new server, LS, so is two Honor Heirloom Trinkets...
  19. Asswhoopin

    WTB Items on Laughing Skull - H

    I need an items. It is: Foreman's Gloves PM me or add my Btag, Tsunami#1383. NOTE: These item's obviously aren't worth an xfer, I have just had some trouble finding them. This is merely a notice to all seller that I am in dire need and will double the street price.
  20. Asswhoopin

    Monk Stat Conversation/Debate

    Crit/Agil. Which is better, and to what extent? Has anyone crunched numbers? I would like to know if an item like Slayer's Band would be better than the Honor Ring. Honestly, I dont know the correct formulas etc to decide which gives a higher overall damage per point rating. If someone could...