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  1. Definition of the 80-84 BG Bracket

    Heres my definition of 80 to 84 ... 84 demo lock so much funi am the unskilled champion.
  2. The Numero One Crit

    No its about have Better gear than other people and being more OP. Originally we didnt have to play agaisnt all twinks we could play in normal xp on bgs BECAUSE there was no xp in bgs. It was about not having to regear every few months and just raping lvlers
  3. The Numero One Crit

    Since when did twinking have anything to do with balenced classes Ive gotten Hits higher than 111k with over kills higher than 111k on the same hit see attached. Your playing a twink get over it Click on picture to make it bigger idk how to make it large in post im a forum noob
  4. Wtf gg blizz will be ruining the 85 and most likely all twink brackets

    Im downloading PTR now to try it
  5. Wtf gg blizz will be ruining the 85 and most likely all twink brackets

    Read this on MMO CHAMP Interesting Notes Players in low level battlegrounds will have their effective level raised to the maximum level allowed in that battleground bracket. Does this mean scaleing will be fucked?
  6. LF 85 tank and dps for some faste Heroics Queing now ALIANCE

    add Diesel#1368
  7. LF some 85s to que random cata heroics with

    Doing them right now would really like to get a tank or heals for some fast ques ADD BTAG Diesel#1368
  8. LF other 85s to que Random Hour of Twilights for JP farming

    Dont u get more badges at the end of HoTs and badges from the bosses?
  9. LF other 85s to que Random Hour of Twilights for JP farming

    If your refering to the 25 other threads i posted in its because i couldnt make a thread unless i had 25 posts i wouldnt say it was spam
  10. LF other 85s to que Random Hour of Twilights for JP farming

    I need to farm JP to upgrade 2 trinkets on my 85s add Diesel#1368 if interested
  11. Questions about 80-84bracket

    bgs pop pretty often
  12. How's your 85 twinking experience so far

    best braket ever
  13. Confirm that u can still bug tazik

    friend did it 3 weeks ago
  14. Quick reminder to rogues

    Omg so much more dmg
  15. Reroll 85? :)

    I went 85 and DONT REGRET A THING
  16. LF BIS 85 Rogue twink link

    Sinizsik @ Arthas - Community - World of Warcraft thats mine
  17. Justice points farming at 85

    add diesel#1365
  18. Niffelvar's in MoP

    Good luck thinking your op with nif when your trying to kill people that have 90+% dmg reduction
  19. 98.9% Resilience as a 70 on Beta

    So far i could only get up to 39% pvp power on my rogue
  20. Looking for a RaF partner

    Well tbh i dont realy wana pay for expac lol thats why im looking for a partner(yeh yeh im a cheap ass) i figure if i end up paying for the expac i might aswell just raf with myself.