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  1. Good Going Drayner, posting exploit on a front page!

    I don't get why you need to yell at Drayner for informing us on the exploits and noobs who might wear them? He did us all a favor by posting that and giving us the heads up.
  2. Rut Row Raggie- Looks like enchanting changes aren't done...

    /sad face I'm going to miss the 100hp =[
  3. Rogue Help

    Honestly, I play a rogue myself, and I wouldn't recommend Defias Top. Instead, I would go for Tunic of Westfall for DPS because pretty much all you need is agility, if you get the fishing hat you can make up for the lost stamina from the top.
  4. Why hasn't there a new blog up today??

    Ha. /agree I couldn't stop laughing when I saw that. =P
  5. You might be a noob if...

    - You ask me how I got 15 agility enchant on my weapon. =P
  6. Why hasn't there a new blog up today??

    Pshh, my image powns. :D
  7. Xp from pvp could be on its way.

    I remember when they had turn in xp too. =P That was on my way old account before I quit though. :O Although, I wouldn't mind if they had turn xp again. Would make leveling my other twinks more fun. ;D
  8. Spread the word or no? Many twinks are unaware of 3.1 nerf-hammer

    I agree with everyone else, spread the word. I mean, I didn't know about the 3.1 until I looked at this site. :D It's probably the best twink site out there, thanks for taking your time to make it Drayner. :D
  9. any twinks wanna hook up irl?

    All I have too say is. LAWL.. =P
  10. Another Lvl 10 Twink Post

    Well, either way it seems your level 10 powned. I was actually checking out level 10 warriors and they seemed to pretty hardcore with health, crit, and haste.
  11. 19 Shaman Vid

    Well, either way, you do play shammy's very well. I myself do not have a shammy twink, they look fun so, I might get myself one. Great video though, I don't see many 19 twink videos out there.
  12. Call to arms WSG?

    Yes, thanks I was wondering the same thing.
  13. New Exploits (list + help)

    Hey, thanks for the information. Although I don't think I will be using these anytime soon. =P
  14. Draw your twink!

    Ah. The website won't load for me. :O
  15. Introduction

    Hey guys my name is Jake, I live in US, Wisconsin. I play a level 19 gnome-rogue and a level 19 Human-priest. I'm new here, nice to meet you guys. :D
  16. Librams in 3.1

    Well, PTR is just a PTR right. Now one really knows if it will go live. There will always be a little speculation on this, although the Librams wouldn't be much of a big loss as legs armors, it will still missed by some.
  17. Guide : Get Your Lucky Fishing Hat and Nat Pagle’s Extreme Anglin’ Boots

    Ah, I got lucky when I did this, I got the boots the first weekend, than hat the next, and my friend was farming my libram, and got it first kill. =P