Search results

  1. Rate my BiS Moonkin

    I know I have everything I can get apart from going into JC for rings etc. So I just want to know what people think. Jiradus @ The Maelstrom - Community - World of Warcraft
  2. Hand of the Betrayer: Level 70 Twinking Guild - Argent Dawn Horde

    Now Now ladies, put those handbags away and lets turn that frown upside down! <3
  3. EU -Horde level 60 twink guild <Might Of The Horde> Argent Dawn EU, is recruiting!

    Re: EU -Horde level 60 twink guild <Might Of The Horde> Argent Dawn EU, is recruit Hi there I am interested in joining your runs x-realm. Unfortunately I am Alliance, but I will be Faction Changing. If I could have your battlenet address through private messaging, will be ever so grateful.
  4. 28/8/2013 swp 6man lfm

    I guess I can tag along on my boomy Thouríc @ Argent Dawn - Community - World of Warcraft Bis and around 13-15k burst Edit: I might have to work this evening. Will keep you posted. If so any chance to change it to 29th?
  5. Thouríc - Boomkin

    Thouríc @ Argent Dawn - Community - World of Warcraft Best in slot Boomkin, from what I believe. If you think anything else is better, don't hesitate to say
  6. Farewell.

    Noooooooo Matthew. Its been nice talking and raiding with you my friend. Keep me on Real ID so we can still chat from time to time when you are on. Going to miss you mon frere
  7. <Legacy> WotLK Raid Progress

    And who the fuck are you? Zitalin has made no dig at Legacy at all. Only difference between Legacy and Ante Amanthe, is that Legacy are a tight knit group of friends who work well together. Ante Amanthe have people like that but most members are new to twinking, so its more of a start-up guild...
  8. 70 guild vs Marrowgar (Video) - EU's 1st legit guildrun

    I sense a lot of miss judgement and hate towards Ante Amanthe. There was a mix up with world first etc, which people shouldn't of stated in that video. Anyway for Aelobin you can check out Multigamerxz - Zetix the Bulldozer strikes when you have the chance, most of our raids are on Zetix's...
  9. PvE challenge?

    Jack I would of been interested in boomie spot, but considering I am alliance. Good luck with this and I hope you get the right people for it
  10. PvE challenge?

    If I remember correctly, I healed that 7 or 10man. Was definitely difficult to heal, but we got there in the end. Also took awhile to complete seeing the amount of wipes on Brutalus :P I can remember Cameal being a war tank, not sure about rest of the group. Was along time ago, when I was horde.
  11. I want a pet ninja turtle!

    Or just feed it on Deviate Delights :P
  12. 70's Armory Vault

    Same, feel free to put me down for Druid Balance - Thouríc @ Argent Dawn - Community - World of Warcraft
  13. Thouríc - Boomkin

    I am a pve player, so don't start flaming because I haven't posted for pvp Thouríc @ Argent Dawn - Community - World of Warcraft Still missing Breeches of Natural Aggression - Item - World of Warcraft and Ring of Omnipotence - Item - World of Warcraft
  14. Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2!

    I use to play this RTS game, but the servers are not there anymore, They stopped them ages ago, I miss it alot :(
  15. -Elders of the Naaru- Level 70 Twink Guild " The Sha'tar" Realm.

    Thought I would let you know Matt that your link to Elders Website is not working properly. /Thouric
  16. Born To Survive 2.0 - A reason not to give up

    Count me in Jack. I will join on hunter and druid both really good geared. I already have you on Real ID
  17. Europe's First Level 50 Raiding and PvP Guild - recruiting!

    I am interested in this project, currently in the process of leveling and crafting/gaining BiS BoE's for my holy paladin. I have added you stavie on RealID, and will most probably transferring when i have all gear sorted and professions.
  18. [EU-Alliance] Crossrealm raid on Tempest Keep!

    Count me in. Thouric
  19. [EU] Cross-realm Sunwell run?

    Still don't see my name up there. Scrub!