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  1. Defias Vs. Deviate Belt

    I have the Defias belt on my hunter for my secondary pure AP set used in premades and/or areas where I have great healing support. Although overlooked, I still prefer the Deviate Scale belt mainly for the added hit and HP.
  2. Yes! Take that, you Hunters

    awesome :) I too am having a blast beating noob hunters to death with my warrior. Watching some of them panic is priceless once you land a hamstring.
  3. Okay, how did i miss this post?!? EPIC!

    wow, I'm a n00b, never seen this before... I couldn't stop laughing, tears of happiness are flowing from my eyes :)
  4. Twink Hunter

    You can add +2 scope on the BoA bow too if you don't have the means of getting a Venomstrike.
  5. Multibox Hunter 19 : It's not even funny.

    wow... how many emblems/gold did it cost you for all that goodness?
  6. No more 3k hp Druids! ORLY?

    If you're alliance, you can turn in Irradiated Crystals Shards for a Crystal of Vitality for +5 stamina for 15 min. They're usually pretty cheap in the AH.
  7. 19 Warrior Guide

    As of 3.1 and the disappearance of leg enchants Chausses of Westfall will become something for new alliance warrior twinks to grind out.
  8. Salute, Nat Pagle's.

    Ouch, I've only been twinking for a couple of months now and since the dawn of WoW I have never attended a single fishing tournament due to my real life schedule. It really sucks to hear that they are taking these away. I respect and look up to the hardcore that work hard for their...
  9. Those blasted lvl 19 alli hunter twinks

    I found the best way to take down a hunter is actually with my twink hunter. Unlike most of the new horde hunter twinks that stack stamina/agility (yes there are many in the whirlwind battlegroup), a pure attack power/intellect build usually gets the job done. One on one, you hit twice as...
  10. BOA Haste trinket decent for hunters?

    I have one on my hunter, but it was the last BoA item I purchased. If you need something to sink your emblems into, by all means go for it. I actually bought 3 of these, one for each of my twinks.
  11. Can we stop now posting hacks, please ?

    It's a phase and soon it will be all over. I'll have to admit I made a pair of pants for my hunter, tried it out and got bored of it pretty quickly (450AP & 27%crit w/ hawk aspect is retarded). Until 3.1 hits there isn't much we can do. If anything, just like the new BoA gear, try to look...
  12. Who play's on.....

    I do, I'm all too familiar with your dots :D
  13. Who play's on.....

    Currently have a rogue (Deímas) and a hunter (Sníper). Bandwagon characters lol :confused: I'm in the process of making a priest :)
  14. Who play's on.....

    I do. I recently got into twinking. I'm on Vashj / Alliance though. Alliance on Vashj blows balls, but you probably already knew that.
  15. With the PTR changes

    So true. I think the last patch that affected me this much was 2.4.3.
  16. Introduction

    Hey everyone, my name is Mike, I'm from Calgary, AB. I have an level 80 human rogue, a twink 19 human rogue and am currently working on my hunter and paladin for the 19 bracket.