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  1. Hue

    Lf premades

    Looking for bg carries while I watch Netflix nd fap to swifty But for real anyone down on alliance or horde? I carry hard in greens.
  2. Hue

    29 disc priest (All feedback welcome please :)

    I believe he's referring to hotshots.
  3. Hue

    its a another rogue, but it's a lvl 24 :)

    Nice mog mate +10 However you're better off going to 29, you're just gimping yourself and your team by not leveling to 29 for better gear/access to glyphs.
  4. Hue

    Screenshot Thread!

    Re: Screenshot Thread! So... i managed to get this on a random scrub alt i was playing for nostalgia...
  5. Hue

    Level Twenty Battle Tag List

    re: Level Twenty Battle Tag List :) hue#1277 add me up peeps :D
  6. Hue

    2v2 Tournament (previsionary thread )

    keg smashes and fero bites oh my... 2s are simply unbalanced 3s are the way to go. That way fotm comps can be played and still be countered by good ol team synergy, whereas in 2s you're more likely to be punished for small mistakes while playing a caster vs feral'x resulting in quick 15...
  7. Hue

    Educational WSG 10v10 Premade [Week 3]

    So you're the culprit D: it's cool though I'm more to myself wheni play my monk
  8. Hue

    Educational WSG 10v10 Premade [Week 3]

    Any streams goin up? And are y'all usin Skype or mumble?
  9. Hue

    Educational WSG 10v10 Premade [Week 3]

    If anyone needs a,last-minute replacement I can play As a healer for horde mastaflex@ bwl or dps alliance on my lock hü or my mage magician both are on ap
  10. Hue

    Defias Set Under An Hour! (glitch)

    Haven't played in a while but would the set be BiS for guardians as well?
  11. Hue

    Screenshot Thread!

    Re: Screenshot Thread! Snowjobs 2 bands on your server mate
  12. Hue

    Arena Thread

    Re: US Arena Thread would be nice if TI had a im app with sub channels for arenas/bgs/dungeons so that we could chat in realtime and actually set things up. i'll see about queuing some 3s if anyone's up for them on AP ally
  13. Hue

    Skirmishes on PTR

    i really don't see why you guys thought you'd scale to 29 in a skirmish it's completely different.
  14. Hue

    Looking for help for Precious Ribbon & ICC Runs :D

    Mightybit HEY!!! :D yeah lol been fighting the temptation to resub so i seldom play my f2ps T____T but are you down to run some icc and catch up ?:(
  15. Hue

    Looking for help for Precious Ribbon & ICC Runs :D

    im chillin at icc on my pally if anyone is down to run me through xD
  16. Hue

    Looking for help for Precious Ribbon & ICC Runs :D

    ooooh mee mee too anyone down to run a few of my alts through icc for precious ribbon and achieves
  17. Hue

    Know Your F2P Twink

    Been away and busy with real life and I miss all of you :D im faded as fuck in this pic Thats all I got at the moment :) I'll upload some more later yo
  18. Hue

    Am i the FIRST F2P to ... ?

    I've been using the seeds on my feral since it came out only prob is I don't play this game anymore because irl obligations i think my ferals name is òn @ aerie peak, anyways I'ts on my "(lol)pure" f2p account
  19. Hue

    Screenshot Thread

    i was joking xD but seriously, trust in the helix fossil and you will prevail
  20. Hue

    Screenshot Thread

    carry me in 3s, we can play lsd2