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  1. Títan-ArgentConquest

    Operation: 60

    Date for Meeting Announced: 8/8/12 Time: TBA Stay Tuned on Forums! And Share the Operation on Twitter (#Operation60)
  2. Títan-ArgentConquest

    Operation: 60

    It's fine to be doubtful about the idea, and it's absolutely understandable. The reason we chose Sporeggar, is that the 60 Community on the server is very close nit, everyone knows everyone at the moment, and with there being a low populated server, new 85s are not going to be looking to start a...
  3. Títan-ArgentConquest

    Operation: 60

    Sporeggar... the lowest populated server in the EU, and possibly one of the lowest in the world. Over the last 2 years I've seen friends move to different realms, and in the last 2 weeks, two of the top Alliance guilds on the server have moved to Defias Brotherhood, it's upsetting to see...
  4. Títan-ArgentConquest

    Youtube Channel Background!

    Alright, I think this fits in here "Auction House". Recently, I was asked by a friend to create him a Youtube Background for his 60 Twink Guild Youtube Channel. TheThunderfuryGuild - YouTube <--- Check out my Work here. I enjoy'd doing the background, I taught myself to use Photoshop, so I...
  5. Títan-ArgentConquest

    Kony 2012

    Ok I wanted to make a post about this because everyone on fb is jumping on this "kony 2012" bandwagon, blindly, without looking at the real facts which is worrying. For starters, do not donate anything-not your time, not your money, not a click of your mouse-to this 'movement'. Don't be fooled...
  6. Títan-ArgentConquest

    Temple of Ahn'Qiraj 10 man

    Twins would be an issue, but it's possible
  7. Títan-ArgentConquest

    <Argent Conquest> on Sporeggar Needs YOU!

    I have already tried X-Server Raiding, with <Thunderfury> yesterday and unfortunately, it's not yet possible, as you cannot invite a RealID friend to a Raid group, and that's what you need, to be in the same Instance, thanks for the feedback though. And hopefully it appears in one of these small...
  8. Títan-ArgentConquest

    <Argent Conquest> on Sporeggar Needs YOU!

    Hey My name is Títan, I am the current Guild Master of Argent Conquest, we are a Lvl60 Twink guild on Sporeggar, formed 12/24/2009, unfortunately, a lot has changed since then, times are tougher now and support is what is needed. We are currently attempting to raid Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj every...