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  1. When are they going to add rated twink arena's?

    This would rock, but I would prefer more PvP rewards considering you can get it all in a day of playing =/ I think that a level 18 WSG set and a 28 AB set would rock, though I don't think Blizzard will ever implement it.
  2. My Ele Shammy

    Cheers for the input. The reason I am lacking SP is because I wanted to survive well, my twink team crashed and burned so I am pretty much on my own. Can't really spend much money on this, trying to do a Priest at 19 and still afford Duel Specs =/
  3. My Ele Shammy

    Hello, this is my first post here, so I thought I would show off my crappy Shammy. Elementmedi Needs work, tell me what you think =)