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  1. 30Stam 15 res still work?

    This. And yes you can still do it.
  2. Glowing Brightwood vs Felbane

    Thanks for the response. I went ahead and bought the GBS and i think i'll do the quests for felbane, grab em both and test it out! :)
  3. Glowing Brightwood vs Felbane

    disc priest, my bad
  4. Glowing Brightwood vs Felbane

    With the new enchant coming 81 sp to staffs, should i buy GBS and put 40 spell dmg on it, or get the felbane staff and put 81. I guess its 15stam 29int 9spirit 40spell power vs 81 spell power
  5. SpellShock Leggings

    U mad brah? Emo nerd rage
  6. SpellShock Leggings

    WTB: SpellShock Leggings US-STORMREAVER Yes i know these are rare. I am willing to xfer to you. And i am willing to pay a lot of gold. If anyone has them, lemme know. Thanks.
  7. Not sure if this is old or not

    Are you serious? The picture is a work of art. Unfortunately i had to make it a little smaller but it's still a great picture.
  8. Not sure if this is old or not

    Apparently i am very rude
  9. Farming Princess Theradras

    Good post. Plan on doing this.
  10. Not sure if this is old or not

    How is it now? And did you check the link i made in the first post. Good information heirloom stuff.
  11. Not sure if this is old or not

    Will work on, what do you think of it?
  12. Not sure if this is old or not

    I think i got it but it's probably too big. testing now
  13. Not sure if this is old or not

    Under signature permissions it says i cannot insert a picture.
  14. Felbane Weapons;tpstart=10 found it nvm.
  15. Not sure if this is old or not

    p.s. how do i get permission to put an image in my signature.
  16. Not sure if this is old or not Can also change it by level. It's awesome.
  17. Felbane Weapons

    81 really? Mind linking your source
  18. New to the forums (and twinking)

    The bow is arguably better. Both daggers are great. And i have the pvp trinket from stone shards (wintergrasp) Shoulders, daggers x2, bow, trinket, and haste trinket The answer to your question is, because i can. Chances are i am going to twink a 39 disc priest (not a world of...
  19. New to the forums (and twinking)

    Well i have recently started twinking a 29 rogue. My main is a 80 rogue who i've played forever so i figured i would do it just for fun. He has 6 BOA items and petrospills/tigerstrike/9+9 pathfinders etc. So I am pretty hardcore in anything I put my time towards. I play on korgath...