Search results

  1. owning 78/79 rogues.

    didnt have the bow at the time does not meke any difference if i did anyway i killed his 64 friend he tried to kill me i won
  2. owning 78/79 rogues.

    When u said owning i thought i meant something like this =p DK with 22k hp ps ignore the ui had most addons off due to 2 boxing
  3. 60 Twink guild?

    <Back to the Sixties> Dreadmaul Us horde Bloodlust battle group
  4. Level60 Pve Tank

    IIR they changed how defense works so yea i dunno how well we will go =/
  5. Level60 Pve Tank

    So with the patch shutting off exp a heap of people will be going back to 60 i am currently in a guild who are leveling alts to do so but we just relised its almost impossible to reach deference cap is there anyway to do it w/e the need of BC greens and such?