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  1. Would you prefer a p2p bracket separate from a f2p bracket?

    Seems like your passive-aggressive point was given.
  2. WTB Hotshots!

    Bump! Will pay in gold if need be.
  3. WTB Hotshots!

    Bump. If you got 'em, let me know!
  4. WTB Hotshots!

    Original thread was deleted. I hope it wasn't on purpose. :( I'm looking to buy some Hotshot Pilot's Gloves for cash. I'd prefer if the seller were on Horde side. Send me a PM. Thanks.
  5. Time to dust off an old rogue

    Aw man :(
  6. Hi

    Hello, I'm currently inactive in any twink bracket, but I am looking to level a 24. I have not decided as to which class I'll level, so suggestions as to what's needed would be cool. Also, I'm willing to trade Gnomeregan runs once I decided on a toon/level up. Thanks!
  7. Twink Loot Theory (Diff. Rates)

    I know it feels like the odds are against you, but it's all just RNG. I remember running Gnomer for my 24 Pally and Lock; first 4 runs = 4 of the Eagle rings, which was what I was after. I felt it was the opposite of what you're stating.
  8. Any other active twink brackets?

    Bump! I'm looking for higher-level and active brackets.
  9. Optimal level for PvP

    I agree with Nidana. It's not so much the gear, but the 4 levels difference does bring new abilities most of the time. That could definitely be game-changing.
  10. 24 Priest (Charged Gear not dropping in Gnomer)

    I dread just thinking of farming Gnomer for those rings. Ugh. I'll gladly trade runs with people, though.
  11. Resto Druid: NE vs. Worgen, 20 vs. 24

    I would definitely choose NE for Shadomeld, it comes in handy. And if you're P2P then go 24 :D
  12. WTB Shadowfang.

    I've got one on another realm, if you're willing to relocate. US-Horde. PM me if interested.
  13. 24 Spriest hits 99k.

    LOL, I was just trying to get into any fight. I wasn't looking at how much damage I was doing. The team didn't look like it would win anyway. Just looking for fun :D