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  1. <Not In The Face> 60 Raiding/PVP Guild Recruiting Kel'Thuzad Alliance

    I'll definitely think about joining your guild.. But I have one question though, when you raid, do you ONLY use old school gear, enchants etc.?
  2. #1 balanced bracket

    ^ I agree with the people above! ^ HOWEVER, I see no mages in that BG..
  3. 60 mage BiS shoulders, neck and main/off hand?

    I see your point - but I'm not sure I will make the exchange yet.. Anyways, about the other question I asked, if my target is frozen and I have one FoF proc, and I hurl an Ice Lance at the target - does the damage from the target being frozen and the FoF proc ability stack?
  4. 60 mage BiS shoulders, neck and main/off hand?

    Thanks for the response! I also want to thank you for the time you put into this thread! And thanks for reminding me about Shattered Barrier! I have totally forgotten how bad it really is! I've just had this mental note that it was a talent I HAD to have. But now I've realized it's not! xD I...
  5. 60 mage BiS shoulders, neck and main/off hand?

    I like your ideas about the gear - but those extra hit percents would only benefit in PvE right? And of course against lvl 64's in BGs but there's already such a big chance of missing that it wouldn't make such big of a difference.. Would it? Anyways, about the talents I can see your point -...
  6. 60 mage BiS shoulders, neck and main/off hand?

    It seems that you guys are the ones to ask about 60-64 mage twinking so.. One more thing.. I played around on chardev and I made this setup: - do you have any comments, suggestions or changes you'd make?
  7. 60 mage BiS shoulders, neck and main/off hand?

    Hm.. Now you've got me all confused of which to pick I guess I'll still pick the GM+Scepter - but depending on how much hit I'll get from my other items I might change to the staff Thanks for the reponse
  8. 60 mage BiS shoulders, neck and main/off hand?

    Really nice! Thank you so much for your response! I'd never have discovered that Scepter if it wasn't for you and it's awesome! And I think I'm gonna get all the items - so I can make a BiS set and crit set etc. etc. Thank you! P.S. nice guide btw!
  9. 60 mage BiS shoulders, neck and main/off hand?

    Recently, one of my friends and I started making two 60 twink mages and we're a little confused about certain BiS items. We've read that the PvP shoulders and the Amulet of Vek'nilash should be BiS - but is this true? O.o And while we're at it, what combination of main and off hand is the...