Search results

  1. Best Race/Sex for WSG Jumps?

    big diff between male and female taurens when it comes to wall jumps like the horde/ally gy, i always had problems with them on bigbadmoomoo when they used to be male for the 1st 2yrs of their exsistence but after i changed em to female bout a year ago the jumps became noticably easier. i think...
  2. looking to xfer to Ruin bg, war/pally +more

    i dont really know much bout any of the guilds of ruin tbh
  3. looking to xfer to Ruin bg, war/pally +more

    i need to move this post to the guild recruitment section on here cause i didnt see it when i made this.. and i cant figure out how to do that on here.. do i just need to repost it? edit: im just goin repost it on over there sorry for this spam :(
  4. twink going bad?

    ive been puggin instances while in Q
  5. looking to xfer to Ruin bg, war/pally +more

    i would if i had somewhere to go >.> thats what im lookin for atm.
  6. looking to xfer to Ruin bg, war/pally +more

    that 2nd quote was takin out of context! ^ is how that one went :P
  7. looking to xfer to Ruin bg, war/pally +more

    im fine with joinin a guild with ppl idk.. but of course i'd be more comfortable playin with ppl i alrdy know ;) but ill take whateva i can get i guess.. start from the bottem.. again XD goin have to get used to goin from top guilds in cyclone to just a twink guild here. cause i was part of the...
  8. looking to xfer to Ruin bg, war/pally +more

    i dont care about winning/loosing. i want fun games, not just one sided rolls for alliance or horde. and from the games ive played since 3.2 its mainly been 1sided games most of which have been alliance rolling horde. and its just been fusterating and no fun when ppl dont play smart. i dont care...
  9. looking to xfer to Ruin bg, war/pally +more

    i posted this in ur wow bg forums but all im gettin is troll post.. so im tryin here for some honest responces, anyways~ heyo, im from cyclone, been on cyclone for over 3yrs and its been great up until now. 19's blow on cyclone now. its totally one sided now team wise. alliance has nothin...