Search results

  1. LF new start

    If u can find a guild that is even somewhat active, been looking for a place for my twinks for a couple weeks now ..... and everything is a ghost town. I need motivation to get back in the game but the way I see it is that with this activity no other comrades to share the time with its pretty...
  2. A change of the premade rules

    should work on activity first, before trying to change the rules of premades that you do not have unless this is preparation for myrm's tourney.
  3. Your Battletag Here (Queue)

    monkey45#1319 us. horde
  4. 19's Scheduled Game Night - Sunday, March 9th

    why has this bracket lost all of its life, its dead.... was in a 6hr que on a Saturday.... now there is pre-determined wsg times...what the heck happened...this use to be such a life fulfilled bracket. I have been absent for a while so im curious?