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  1. 39 Twink Warlock

    My Affliction lock based on mainly SP, with a balance of stam and int. I consistently do over 100k dmg with minimal deaths, etc. But of course it depends on the player. Regardless, one of the best balanced set ups imo.
  2. leg armors, librams, naxx, what's next?

    omg.... i never thought of it that way. that would be horribly.... yet, horribly funny at the same time ><
  3. I'm wetting myself

    i like wafflez # # # nom nom nom
  4. How long did it take to get your Revelosh gloves?

    heh... I know the feeling. but c'mon, make some friends! GAWSH! =P
  5. 39 TESTING ON PTR! info inside

    One can only hope...
  6. How long did it take to get your Revelosh gloves?

    haha ya.... now they get to run my next twink thru =P
  7. How long did it take to get your Revelosh gloves?

    So... I just ran 2 friends who are starting twinks (both lvl 30 atm) thru Rev 5 times. A druid (resto primarily) and a huntard. 1st: Nature Dmg Gloves (+17) 2nd: Perfect Healing Gloves (+15 SP) 3rd: Plate Boots of the Whale (poo) 4th: Leather Shoulders of the Monkey 5th: Plate Boots...
  8. 39 TESTING ON PTR! info inside

    You're totally right. I would like to apologize for/retract that statement. I guess I was only comparing other to my specific situation. In that case, I would be the lazy one... I never hit 450 prof's (let alone maxed out my herbing), but then again I missed the opportunity, only having rolled a...
  9. 39 TESTING ON PTR! info inside

    Very well put. Excellent post. I also agree with you about, in my own words, "wtf are you twinkings thinking agreeing with/accepting this?" Srsly... Lastly, I do not have Naxx enchants on my shoudlers, I do not have >300 prof's, but I DO have BoA's w/chants on em, etc. etc. and I think the...
  10. 39 TESTING ON PTR! info inside

    Haha so true... I'll be the first to admit, I'm QQing pretty hard about all this. But who really knows, maybe we're all getting upset/excited over nothing :confused:
  11. 39 TESTING ON PTR! info inside

    I still respectfully disagree. Twinking, as it is now, makes it much more fair for all classes to compete in some way. I don't twink to "stomp retards in wsg all day," (although I will admit it can be fun playing in God-mode every once in a while... but it does get old fast), I twink to...
  12. 39 TESTING ON PTR! info inside

    Another note if this does go live: The term itself "twinking" would really no logner apply amirite? As far a I'm concerned, twinking IS vastly outgearing your opponents. Of course skill plays a large part of it (for most classes anyway), but without the sole ability to twink, it's no...
  13. 78-0 ab

    wtb 3 pocket healers! lol
  14. 39 TESTING ON PTR! info inside

    My 2 cents: I've been playing this game for about 2 /12 years. I've cleared all raids BC and Wrath. I have twinks in both the 19s and 39s bracket. I currently have two level 80's: an "epic as you can get" resto druid and a partially epic dps warr. The raid content in...
  15. New Head ?

    ^ ^ ^ that...
  16. Twink Locks After SL Changes What to Do?

    reroll huntard imo.... /sigh
  17. How long did it take to get your Revelosh gloves?

    got healing gloves on my first try, thank God. however, only gone back when offered (10 runs so far with nothing worth while). not too crazy about perfecting my twink, but I'm always down for upgrades!
  18. 39 Warlocks in patch 3.1

    I'm not that terribly into number crunching, and I'm fairly new to the 39 lock twink area, but I would have to actually disagree. I don't think it's an all around buff for us. Although we hope to get healed for ~the same amount, we will be doing less damage... we're getting the healing, but...
  19. BOA shoulders and GIG

    Doubt they will be hotfixed. Can BoA items not be mailed cross server? I never looked into it but I would assume they should? /shrug
  20. so, max spell power for a 39

    Unless I missed it, I dont think this was mentioned here: Great Fest ( also gives you 35sp and 30stam. However, it can only be dropped by a lvl 70. =/