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  1. Goodbye 70s..

    Lol baddie.
  2. why would people level out? blizzard will fix twinking pvp.

    Why would you ever level out? A twink takes FAR more time to get right then leveling a level 1 to 70..
  3. Best in Slot Player vs. Player

    Hmm.. Really may even consider taking on this thread. If I decide to play in MoP. I posted the BiS disc priest set ages ago - about 8 months and still see the old one which is nowhere near BiS.
  4. Sanity Reformed - Defias Brotherhood EU [A]

    "(We don't allow trials to have alts)" Wut? LOLWUT?!
  5. Shadows Priests

    priest is a fun class @ 70
  6. Tinker's, Want them to stay or be removed from 70?

    I would actually prefer to see it removed. It inevitably shall I reckon.
  7. Disc Priest BiS Chardev Request

    I guess forums rolled back. The chardev that I posted. chardev 9
  8. 79 Twink Rogue Questions

    Glaives at 79? What? Cata. Greens.
  9. Skey Gaming Rbgs Sunday 22/01/2012

    'dem forums make my eyes bleed!
  10. Cross-realm raids and the 7-man Sunwell

    Ooh scrummy I can't wait for the patch. I have some decent healing PvE gear (BiS bar a couple of pieces) - just dropped my holy spec in order to pick up shadow again. Would be interested in getting a few peoples real IDs for some good fun! Maybe a real reason to change over to horde!
  11. Will Synapse get buffed?

  12. Best in Slot Player vs. Player

    My chardev which hit the spell pen cap 75 and the hit cap of 4% - wasn't used. The amount of fears/mana burns and numerous other spells that you would miss with that current dev.
  13. Talent Calculator Effect for 70's

    Mana burn removed from game. QQ. BRB rolling paladin.
  14. help me make a haste arcane mage please! (chardev)

    Some browsers don't support CharDev, such as Chrome. Try using Safari or, Explorer.
  15. Alterac Blitz 70

    Bah, raid night.
  16. Best in Slot Player vs. Player

    What about your spell penetration? I just threw together a baseline chardev for a disc priest that is hit capped and spell pen capped other then mages. You'll want to throw on when...
  17. Best in Slot Player vs. Environment

    First and foremost Blessed Band of Karabor in both slots would pretty much be BiS for any healer - seen as the ring isn't Unique-Equip
  18. Best in Slot Player vs. Player

    I know you replaced the last ones because the other author deleted his topics. But it doesn't seem like anything near best-in-slot it's just gear thrown together. I can only comment for my own class (priest) - but for starters I wouldn't be hitting any of my fears or, offensive dispels if I...
  19. Talent calculator!!!

    Mana burn has gone totally