Search results

  1. Tazik leveling update as of 2/22/12, 9 powerlvls in 2 days, only 10k spent

    Can anyone confirm if this still works?
  2. 70 Twink Guilds

    My guild, Spirits of the Immortal, is not dead. We have never recruited on the forums if you are basing us being dead on that. We are one of the original 70 twink guilds and one of the biggest guilds that have a very small amount of members above the 70-74 bracket. Any given night we have 10+...
  3. US - 70 - RBG Wintrading for mounts/titles - 2400~

    Add me to real ID if this is happening., I'm alliance and available anytime. Armory: Mathore - Bladefist
  4. LW leg enchants

    Confirmed. It is still possible to do this.
  5. BiS Mage PvP/PvE Looking For Guild (US, Preferably Alliance)

    Bladefist server has a lot of twinks. Our guild has been around for 3+ years, has a core RBG team, PvP every day, raids every week. We are getting pretty active again with 10+ members online at any given time is not uncommon.
  6. 70s Achievement list

    Imo it shouldn't be. There is so many people out there who have legendaries that didn't even know they existed at the time they got them, not to mention how many people ninja them as well. Why it is made noteworthy puzzles me.
  7. 70s Achievement list

    For those wondering, I pulled off the murloc grind for the winter hat and was successful after countless hours. It seemed to work best having my buddy make a level 1 alt and park him in the middle. I am now a happy Merrymaker. GL all.
  8. I am the Pit Fighter

    Last Darkmoon I tried at less populated times, such as early morning or late night, but it will still always too busy for me to even try to get it.
  9. I would like to share this moment of joy

    Gotta catch em all.
  10. Has This ever happened to you in WoW?

    It has happened to me a number of times as I BG a lot. I'm sure I only realize that I get 1,337 because its leet and I really get every number all the time.