Search results

  1. Stupid but important ...

    That has to be a glitch. Nothing in Wowhead says that The 1 Ring scales with level. That's a heirloom-specific trait, and The 1 Ring isn't. I've had over a dozen twinks with that ring, and it's stats have never changed when I've decided to twink them at a higher level. (though I admit I haven't...
  2. Stupid but important ...

    In a BG you'd scale to 14. All your secondary stats (crit, hit, haste) will scale down significantly for your level 10 outside a BG to level 14 scaling inside a BG. My ~120% crit chance level 10 hunter drops to around 74% crit in BGs. edit: Only BOA gear scales inside a BG. A quest item (like...
  3. experience eliminator question

    10-14 bracket xp-off matches are scheduled for specific dates and times (not weekly at this point as far as I've seen). You'll need to browse this section and the BG forum on Blizzard's site to see when they plan on doing it again. I think 3 dec was the last one and I'm not sure how successful...
  4. BiS Mage PvP - Tazik VS Synapse - Some Talent Qs

    While I have both on my mage, my Tazik can crit for over 10k. Could be situational which is better but that burst makes it my choice.
  5. Engineering Change

    The archaeology change sounds awesome since it's so boring. Faster results would definitely help it.
  6. What's your warn level? And why?

    Wait. It's back again. At 0% though. Is that good or bad?
  7. What's your warn level? And why?

    My warn level went away recently. I didn't know what it was anyway though.
  8. Warrior vs rogue

    Yeah, go rogue. Warriors are just something to kill while waiting for a mage/rogue to show up. And it'll likely be a rogue that stops you from killing a warrior before a healer shows up. Most of my bg deaths are from other rogues ganking me while already engaged with someone else.
  9. Anyway to get more hit?

    I found I couldn't do it on my casters without help from a higher toon. Didn't have a problem with my rogue and hunter; they still hit often enough to wear mobs down eventually. But my priest and mage would go oom before the mob would even come close to dying. Never tried getting more hit...
  10. 11 pally viable?

    Either 10 for the scaling or 14 for more talent points and stats. No logical reason to stop in the middle except to be different.
  11. Level 14 rogue?

    I agree with going 14 on a rogue. If a healer survives your initial burst, kick is the only thing that will allow you to kill one.
  12. Welcome 70-74s and 75-79s!

    70 human rogue - US realm - only been 70 for a couple of weeks and I only want to bg pvp on this toon Here's a question: I'm not in a twink guild or anything so I just solo bg queue. When I go random bg, I almost always get SotA (which I hate). So I queue for AV specifically. Even though it...
  13. lvl 10 Twink priest. How important is spirit?

    My level 10 shadow priest's biggest downfall is going OOM. But I still don't try for more spirit.