Search results

  1. Metal Working Gloves and Goblin Mail legs

    How much are they currently worth to 16 and or 19's? http://www.wowhead.c...lworking-gloves Gloves http://www.wowhead.c...n-mail-leggings Legs Edit: also price check on mindthrust's. Thanks!
  2. looking for 16 recruits

    staying away from wow but working on my 16 and will surely play it once done. Cant wait. Got some BiS items for u kids Metal working gloves and goblin mail etc....
  3. looking for 16 recruits

    Create the guild yet?
  4. looking for 16 recruits

    Yeah i have boas. not on AP but i might transfer. Gonna get AGM on my server.
  5. looking for 16 recruits

    I have like a 13 holy pally that i can make into a 16 Horde AP right?
  6. Current 19 Guilds?

    Still looking. Talked to LSFTW and plan on talking to Code Rainbow. And other help would be good!
  7. Current 19 Guilds?

    Yeah "Twink about it" is completely dead now. Used to have alot of members and activity Im looking into x-ferring. Thanks all
  8. Current 19 Guilds?

    Hey, I currently play on Bloodhoof-US and there is only one twink apart from my self that plays on the horde side. I'm thinking of server transferring to a server with an active guild. If anyone knows which server might have to most activity please leave a comment below. Thanks.
  9. Bloodhoof empty?

    Hey, i myself play on Bloodhoof-US and know multiple other twinks on the server. Im on horde though . Blink ill make an ally toon if more come to Bloodhoof.
  10. Funding Alliance 10s on Firetree! (US)

    still funding? i'd love to make a level 10, i've done 19's and 20's in the past. What do you have to much of, so i'll no not to make that. Thanks!