Hey wts lvl 16 Dokebi Hat stats 8agi 4crit 3versa,
very rare i believe. Nice collector's gear or for swag.
Looking for gold on Argent Dawn, Draenor or Ravencrest.
PM me. Thanks.
Yoyo, wtb epic foamspittle on raven Ally messsage me paying good.
Also looking for a bwb on draenor ally.
And rogue epic boe weps for raven.
PM me pls. Thanks.
Yo all, so basically the epic apprentices robe from quest upgrade is
By far bis yes? So without that a clothie twink wouldnt really be twinked
As of now amiryt lol?
Yooo, about the armor bonus at 19, i saw that 39s dont get it apparently
, how come? And do 19s get it? And does it require a shaman to wear mail
In every slot for eg or what? Many thanks in advance!
Hey guys,
as title says , I need a favour to phase to a fairly dead realm on EU.
IDK if it works by a DK inviting a level 100+?
I imagine my char would have to be lower level?
let me know if anyone has and can help ,
Okay can someone tell me, how much haste and crit % should i be looking for a balance druid.
SOz u can move this to 19 twink forums section pls.