Search results

  1. YoungWalrus

    US WTB Mythic Expeditions carries

    I want to buy mythic Expeditions carries. Ill pay 500gold for each carry. Add me on Battlenet. YoungWalrus#11389. Gold is located on illidan
  2. YoungWalrus

    EU+US WTB BOE for US

    Like the title says i would like to buy a item level 475 scanner. If you are interested in making me one ill pay $50.
  3. YoungWalrus

    EU+US Island Expedition quests

    The Island Expedition quests can stack, for example, The elemental core quest gives 700 Azurite at the end of the quest. i have two in my bags.
  4. YoungWalrus


    If you have the ability to queue for Islands lets farm. I'm 20% into level 17. If you want to run the Islands please add me Malzahar#11116
  5. YoungWalrus

    EU+US Island Expedition Score

    Hey guys whats the worst you beat the Alliance/Horde on the Island expedition?
  6. YoungWalrus

    EU+US WarSupplies

    How are you guys farming War Supplies?
  7. YoungWalrus

    US Horde Mass Dungeon Queue.

    If you want to be added to the dungeon queue to get azurite gear and upgrade your azurite necklace pst with Btag. add Malzahar#11116
  8. YoungWalrus

    110 Twinks

    Could we get a section on the forums for 110-120 twinks please. I am testing 110 twinking out atm. ill let you know how it goes.
  9. YoungWalrus


    I would like to buy a 910 arcane relic 3-4M gold add me shotx#1878
  10. YoungWalrus

    US WTB ilvl 910 Arcane and Life Relics

    I want to buy ilvl 910 Arcance and Life Relics. Willing to pay 3-4 Million in gold. Pst me at email or add me at shotx#1878. Thanks
  11. YoungWalrus

    EU+US Pretty Quite after 7.2.5 was released.

    Everyone good. Anyone see any increase/decrease in items? When will the new legendary be out?
  12. YoungWalrus

    EU+US Ilvl 955 BOE's?

    While checking out Mr. Robot I notice that the Legendary boots go up to 970 like we all new about, but what about the Boe's that go up to 955? Any thoughts?
  13. YoungWalrus

    EU+US Patch 7.2.5 Questions

    In regards to your class is anyone looking forward to the Buffs/Nerfs in 7.2.5? I want to hear some thoughts. Boomkin Buff: I am excited about the buff to Starsurge +11% OP. Boomkin Nerf: Star fall does 50% damage was 60%. not too bad. Anyone else?
  14. YoungWalrus

    EU+US Ilvl 900 Ring is real confirmed.

    Hey guys, wanted to confirm that the ilvl 900 ring is in fact real. I was powerleveling this guy from Illidan and he ran out of gold to pay me so he said he would pay with boe's he traded it to me. I asked him were he got the ilvl 900 ring from and he didnt relize it was ilvl 900, but he doesnt...
  15. YoungWalrus

    US NL runs would like a 5man group.

    Horde US NL run. Found a super fast way to farm AP. add me if you want to queue NL over and over again. shotx#1878.
  16. YoungWalrus

    EU+US Fastest NL run

    Hey guys i have found a way to skip Rockmora on my druid using techniques. Once i master it i will show you guys a video of it. But i will only post the video to people in mailbox. I dont want to get this hotfixxed. Thanks
  17. YoungWalrus


    I am located on Horde Illidan. Please add shotx1878 if you have one for sale. You will have to come to my server. let me know the price. Thanks
  18. YoungWalrus

    EU+US Leystone LockBox

    I just recieved 1 leystone lockbox from Serpentrix in Eye of Azshara. I thought i was smokeing smoking and so i did it again and got it another time. then i tried again and only got it 3 runs later. I opened them on my 101 and got armor greens.
  19. YoungWalrus

    EU+US Consumable Buffs

    So what are some of the buffs that you guys use? Flasks,potions, food, and so on?
  20. YoungWalrus

    EU+US 7.2.5

    With 7.2.5 coming soon do you think new upgraded versions of 810 relics will be available?