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  1. Knewbie

    Best of 29s

    Ugh...I can't remember a lot of class/name combos, butI'll give it a shit: Warrior - Dre Paladin - Drinker Priest - Noggin Hunter - Nocontest...I won't vote for myself, but feel like I'm pretty dominant (Knewbie) Shaman - Phron...stry (can't remember spelling...I think he's 29) Druid -...
  2. Knewbie

    LFM Elitist Horde Premade Group

    I'll join.
  3. Knewbie

    Best hunter pet 20-29?

    At 29, one can have 2 pets on-hand. I (Knewbie) carry a spider for slows (main pet), and a carrion bird (if I need MS - 25% healing reduction)...both Cunning-specced.
  4. Knewbie

    New Mercenary Mode

    "You’ll also have your race automatically changed into one appropriate for the opposite faction while you’re still inside the Battleground" So are racial abilities going out the window, or will abilities be swapped as well?
  5. Knewbie

    Stop the ********* glitching please

    There are 2 different pictures being talked about...look at the first one. *Edit: To save you the trouble, here is the picture...
  6. Knewbie

    RIP to bracket

    Should we all reroll spriests and gy farm in wsg against a bunch of 20s? Meh...I'll leave that to you.
  7. Knewbie

    Stop the ********* glitching please

    It is hard to see him because of the red error text on the screen, but Locomotor (the POS druid FC) is behind the wall, which is why the error text says LOS (you can see the blue of the flag). Same druid, Locomotor, was in a game with me (may have actually been that game)...I picked up the flag...
  8. Knewbie

    Free to Prey - Thrall

    Bump. Just transferred from Icecrown to play with these folks...good people, good times. Game on.
  9. Knewbie

    Post Your Twink Mogs (:

    I went for the Green-Earthy look for my monk: Pseudonym @ Icecrown - Community - World of Warcraft
  10. Knewbie

    Gloomshroud Armor

    Yesterday, I had my 2nd Gloomshroud Armor drop within 100 runs this week (runs 4 and 82). (just started farming last week) Cleared through the room with the creepers and ghouls with the stairs, then reset instead of going up the long spiral staircase to the boss. Clearing the whole zone before...
  11. Knewbie

    20-29s Armory List

    Hate seeing you pocket heal for Tungston (I think that's the Dwarf Warrior's name)...seems like I'm the only one targeting you, so Horde just dies. But then again, I am usually solo queuing in PuGs so it's expected.
  12. Knewbie

    29 Btags thread - LFG/premades/etc.

    Always looking for some premade action! I play most nights after my son goes to bed @ 9 EST. All toons linked in my signature...willing to play whatever role is needed. Hit me up! US (Horde) - Abacabb#1585
  13. Knewbie

    <Laser Disco> Thrall Horde, Now Funding 29s too!

    i'd pay for a transfer or 2 to get in on some premade action.
  14. Knewbie

    I want back in

    LFG...all twinks listed in signature. Abacabb#1585