Search results

  1. Coolzo

    Hand of Ed, Edd and Eddy stats

    Funny you should ask! At ilvl26, its 169 haste with a 20% proc chance, 55s ICD, 4 second buff duration. I'd expect ilvl27 to be around 174ish haste, since the haste meta is like 182ish inside an ilvl28 panda helm (and the Ed buff has similar values to this gem) with the perk that it would give...
  2. Coolzo

    I have opinions... But mostly, we can have different builds that correspond to different gear...

    I have opinions... But mostly, we can have different builds that correspond to different gear sets, and I think that's dope! PI? Silence? I'm here for it. EDIT: this would be cool. Find it hard to give up devouring...
  3. Coolzo

    Comparison between level 10 and 11

    Well, I know at least in the case of my upcoming meme of a shadowpriest twink, 11 is 10000% better than 10 because mind flay doesn't kick me out of shadowform, unlike smite >.> But for a serious button-spam-mashing experience like monk, of course I'm going to stay level 10. This could all change...
  4. Coolzo

    It's pretty janky right now. Assuming you have the "cross-faction" toggle enabled in community...

    It's pretty janky right now. Assuming you have the "cross-faction" toggle enabled in community settings, you'll probably have to invite each person multiple times before the invitation actually goes through. Most of my toons needed two invites, but a few of them worked first try. They were on an...
  5. Coolzo


  6. Coolzo

    Veteran Level 20 Shadowlands Twink BoE Farmer's Guide/Compendium

    This ought to be stickied!
  7. Coolzo

    US <HORDE WAR MACHINE> Blackwing Lair Horde 20 Guild

    Sup Norvak, I'm online right now, but if you're on some other time, that's okay. Just type /who Horde War Machine and if there's anyone online, they can invite you. Also be sure to join the discord linked in the OP, See you in game!
  8. Coolzo

    Who uses "fireflash" gear?

    Fireflash on Shadow (or any class) is fun AF. 100% recommend a set for fun-havers. If a bit squishy.
  9. Coolzo

    Farming The Essence Focuser from Chests

    Don't forget spamming "FOCCUSSSEERRRR!" in chat, pretty sure that tipped the scales :D
  10. Coolzo

    Stats calculator for all levels - For all the min-maxers & theory crafters

    Hallelujah, this is just what the doctor ordered! 11/10
  11. Coolzo

    The chad answer is to have 3 warriors: one for titan's grip, one for arms, and one to reroll 50...

    The chad answer is to have 3 warriors: one for titan's grip, one for arms, and one to reroll 50 times for epic cudgel but give up...
  12. Coolzo

    F2P & Vet Armory List [SHADOWLANDS]

    Two more for your consideration: Frozo, GF'd/Vet frost mage, usually using a crit/vers burst build. Zorcc, GF'd/Vet destro lock, chaos bolt only/controlled-burst-on-a-cooldown build. I also have a full feverflare set, but I...
  13. Coolzo

    F2P & Vet Armory List [SHADOWLANDS]

    Vet Shadow Priest: Leech stack (16.47% in world) with vers/haste. Not 100% perfect yet but I think he's in a good spot. As one may gather from the pure stat pieces, also working on slightly memey max haste/max vers sets...
  14. Coolzo

    Armory Poll

    100% vote for an inclusive thread with makers for GF'd gear toons, although I will also second @ohti 's suggestion to organize it like the old thread. Could be fun: once your gear gets grandfathered, your toon "graduates" from the "obtainable" list to the "unobtainable" list!
  15. Coolzo

    Do you have a level 80?

    A level 80 human priest which I finally dinged (after 3 years; first character) when I decided that I needed a break from 19s. Once you hit 80... gosh dang, the money is easy, it's useful for a billion things, and as fun as hell (PvP for a good while, PvE for a very short time).
  16. Coolzo

    Another Shadowfang!!!

    It's real. Check the WoWhead comments, it was a sword in Diablo (as suggested by the pic) before it was a sword in WoW. My cousin, my other cousin, my best friend and tons of other people can tell you that. And of course Diablo is a Blizzard game, so it's not by any means inconceivable that...
  17. Coolzo

    Culinary question

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Well, sometimes I like a chicken pot pie for dinner, but that's not really a 'pie' in the common meaning of the word.
  18. Coolzo

    Computer geeks, I need your help!

    Let's start a little more basic to help our friend Kore here... What operating system do you have? Windows vista: go to 'computer' > click on 'system properties' at the top. Windows XP: go to 'computer' > click 'view system information' There should be something that says 'X.XX MB/GB of...
  19. Coolzo

    Rude people in BG

    I sense a thread of hypocrites.
  20. Coolzo

    I miss the days when...

    I miss these alot^ @anyone reading this who might care or be in my guild by some chance: Until my account is available full time and my priest gets fully geared (both PvE and PvP), I will probably not be playing 19s at all.