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  1. Mitch

    WoW Classic Launches August 27th, Beta May 15th

    Oh my god I hope so. Flicking you guys away with a vanilla 29 would be hilarious.
  2. Mitch

    WTB Foamspittle Staff

  3. Mitch

    blackvenom blade

    You must be shit at welcoming new members.
  4. Mitch

    Please help me advocate for a built in classic BG spectator.

    No fucking way. You're suppose to communicate with your team to find out where the enemy team is. The enemy FC is not even marked on the map. No one but your own teammates playing should know where your fc is.
  5. Mitch

    12 man WSG

    I've talked about this in the past. The exp off addon glitches you into the server not the game. If it's the exact same than the one from cata, you get stuck for 2 or 3 min until the wsg server closes itself because you're not technically in the game to be able to use the endgame scoreboard...
  6. Mitch

    US Epic Ravenwood Bow

    Did zone scaling not bring it back or is the mob gone? Scaling brought back a lot of GFd items because the mob was able to go back up the couple levels to it's original level. Allowing it to drop X. Even Chromatic sword started dropping again.
  7. Mitch

    Important Help me bring XPOFF into the modern esports world

    Good. Bye you racist little troll.
  8. Mitch

    Important Help me bring XPOFF into the modern esports world

    Thank god were following blizzard's ToS now. Bye bye pepes and OK bigots :)
  9. Mitch

    EU+US @29s that exploit their way into xpon qs

    They never use to ban for this. We used to glitch our twinks into exp on battlegrounds in such a broken way it was 15v10 in a warsong gulch. No one got banned.
  10. Mitch

    US MVQ Exposed

    I targeted the argument, not the specific situation so where is the backpedaling? FC speed potting because 1 other person did can change everything. Even if he was going to make it over the reaction of their teammate changes in unexpected ways to sync with the FC. Potential fights or sacrifices...
  11. Mitch

    US MVQ Exposed

    Did you just quote my reply that explains why eye for an eye potting has more effects than the 1v1 and stating it was a general statement?
  12. Mitch

    US MVQ Exposed

    It was a general statement about eye for an eye potting. You morph the map and fights that should of happened were abandoned. Causing the pug team with a less mobile makeup to lose the recovery. You're shocked someone gave an imput on a public forum? Go on a private discord if you want a...
  13. Mitch

    US MVQ Exposed

    That's a terrible argument lmao. You said it yourself. "Using consums only does 1 thing: Giving you an edge over people who don't use them." The argument being it's ok because the rogue speed potted is irrelevant because it's not a 1v1. There is 9 other players on the board not using consums...
  14. Mitch

    Seven equipped epics?!

    What ring is better? They all seem to be 5/7
  15. Mitch

    Loot Trading in Classic

    Fuck yeah! They listened to us about patch releases and now loot trading. I'm loving the passion project and I hope it stays on track. This form of loot trading was actually what I was suggesting. Edit: Stop with the slippery slope. It's a complete logical fallacy if you can't prove a slope to...
  16. Mitch

    Can be done with boes outside also.

    Can be done with boes outside also.
  17. Mitch

    Glove Reinforcements on BoP

    What the fuck, this is a secret again? This patched this in wod. Are you telling me that fucked again for the 10th time sense the cata gem glitch!!! *surprised pikachu* Get some fucker with glove reinforcements. Run shit with them. Get shit to drop. They take. They enchant with trade window...
  18. Mitch

    What's the craziest conspiracy theory you think could actually be partly true

    Oh god, please don't get me started on shitty things the united states government has done. I couldn't BE more like a stereotypical university student. lol Would anyone like to trade notes on Marx's influence on 20th century African revolutions?
  19. Mitch

    EU+US Are you even a real man?

  20. Mitch

    What's the craziest conspiracy theory you think could actually be partly true

    I don't really follow conspiracy theories anymore. I never was a believer but I found them interesting and funny. They have become to political and dangerous for me to stomach. I do believe the conspiracy of capitalism was just an upgraded feudalism which purposely crashes every decade and...