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  1. US All time best of list m8

    The fact you don't get my sarcasm makes me question are you genuinely retarded or you're just trying to look smarter acting like I'm not being sarcastic.
  2. US All time best of list m8

    my parents hate me ? :(
  3. US All time best of list m8

    i can confirm that yes ben tilley is one, but also 3 others who were on the GSC team that won
  4. free custom sigs

    Make me one with my toon sitting on a massive yeezy 750 gum sole with a ben tilley with anklers and loads of cash and shit and a picture of skrillex photoshopped on a druid in bearform and i want the exalted with AB achievement in...
  5. US All time best of list m8

    I have talked to many of your so called friends including ones you play / played with. All of them admit you wouldnt listen to your team. Someone would say go Ramp, and you would say no im going gy, and you would sit there on discord and argue with them while in the middle of the TC, not to...
  6. US All time best of list m8

    Its relevant. Lets look at the facts. You were a good mage in mop. You are able to check your battleground targets when running around warsong gulch and see whos stealthed but anyway i guess theres a reason you were on the team that won the twink cup and you fcd in those games....oh wait a...
  7. US All time best of list m8

    Your opinion is invalid, as you're trash at life.
  8. US All time best of list m8

  9. US All time best of list m8

    forgot about cast actually
  10. US All time best of list m8

    yeah sami is sick lock
  11. US All time best of list m8

    i dont think he actually played a game on lock in cata. He enjoyed his 400 gear sets on pala too much.
  12. US All time best of list m8

    mamey played 2 games in cata and quit i think and came back in mop for roulas premade vs TL
  13. EU cool twinks

  14. EU cool twinks

  15. US All time best of list m8

    go outside for once
  16. US All time best of list m8

    for cata mage - vianco druid - mesikammen hunter - migonne warlock - cast priest - jana paladin - stubs/ - for fcing phonebook warrior - ubu/zimt rogue - eriwen shaman - Roula for mop Mage - none Druid - Vianco/Stubs Hunter - Arkant / Hardbass Monk - Jhough / Nzzr Priest - Ridwane Warrior -...
  17. EU An idea?

    I have been discussing with quite a few of you a way to bring back some competitive games. What I propose we do is that we have a tournament each week of maybe a 50 dollar prize pool, any people can sign up with 10v10 teams and we can play on a Saturday, OR every person buys into the tournament...
  18. US The Twink Cup 2017 Updated

    I'm 11, and i'm quoting donald j trump.
  19. US The Twink Cup 2017 Updated

    If i see potential i WILL organize a group depending on how worse this expansion gets, and the rules of the TC. I will more than likely make a contribution either ways via PayPal and release my tax returns.
  20. EU hi guis

    hi asterias, guys here. Just letting you know bgs actually pop on weekend and are quite competitive and fun :D :D :D :D :D - LF friends that haven't killed themselves or quit that want to queue in this competitive fun bracket. - Anyone wanna try do 10v10 premades i cba organizing it tho xo pls