Search results

  1. US real ids

  2. EU+US Consumables

    hi opinions on consumables - link your active 19 twink toon that you play daily/weekly when answering so everyone knows your class that you use them on - after voting state what you voted and why you use them :)
  3. EU+US Another QQ Thread

  4. US Twink Cup Team Recruitment Thread

    Great initiative, hope everyone who wants to play, gets to play.
  5. US <Thistle Tea Party> BH Alliance.

    Can say these guys are solid, and fun to queue with. Best of luck with the guild! /AgntQuack
  6. EU Twink Or Riot (RavenCrest)

    Great initiative.
  7. EU Just the average quitting thread

    Feelsbadman, one of the more nicer twinks from cata gone :(
  8. EU+US Schism OR The Penitent

    I personally like the idea of schism in pugs. As if you solo queue you never know what you're going to be with and you can always change at the start of the game. However missing out on penance healing is also a big thing, so you have to see whats on both your side and their side. So for pugs...
  9. US Rdruid or guardian druid for FC?

    Guardian FC wouldn't work for multiple reasons if you look at it. Possibly would work for PuGs, but I don't see it being of value to a premading team. As Devm said, a boomy FC is the way to go.
  10. US The Official Twink Cup 2017 Thread

    Can't wait to see the most competitive Warsong Gulch tournament in the world.
  11. US Time to help

    How do I pick the flag
  12. US Why saka has a crush on Muskiebad

  13. EU+US Meet The Twinks: Mvq

    @Conq - this kid obv a trump supporter
  14. US 19 tink Real Life Picture Thread! Ben Tilley asked me to post this selfie of him before his big night out. One I took real fast to upload aswell
  15. US Real ID Premade Wednesday May 3rd 6pm

    hav 2 wawk mi goldfish mayb aftr Nice2seeupostonxpoffbuns
  16. US Who is this kid?

    nice thread
  17. US Twink Spotlight: Fearthebuns

    We made it because BUNS used to be someone I looked up to in the community, always positive ( asides telling art to die xxddddddddd ) but he was always positive and whether people like to admit it or not the best fc in the bracket and talented on most classes. Once again always positive and even...
  18. EU AAO vs Bios

  19. EU AAO vs Bios

    You're an idiot kill yourself
  20. US Twink Spotlight: Fearthebuns

    I have big idea for new twink spotlight very good very spicy very nice