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  1. Amelletta

    General Weapons and how to swing them harder.

    can anyone help me with bis wand lvl 29? i was told Starfaller any input?
  2. Amelletta

    EU+US invasion gear is just as good

    you need to be a gnome to get your engi past 225 to get in
  3. Amelletta

    EU+US invasion gear is just as good

    yep :P
  4. Amelletta

    EU+US invasion gear is just as good

    so here are two screenshots this was my main battlegrounds set. full plate with the best item level i can get. and here is my Legion invasion set full plate with best item level i can get. My item level is 50 equipped with both sets and as you can see stats the same. ill be rocking the...
  5. Amelletta

    EU+US Legion Set

    5min after posting that SS ^^ i got the gloves :P
  6. Amelletta

    EU+US Legion Set

    Still have yet to get the only item i am trying to get.. my gloves. i had sold about 15-20 items b4 taking this ss..
  7. Amelletta

    EU+US Legion Set

    there is no cap for battlegrounds stats, you will just get stuck at a point where you cant get any more item lvl at any given level.
  8. Amelletta

    EU+US 29's Gear and Consumables Index Legion update

    well my item lvl didnt drop and my stats have gone up so i would say nope :p + we got gloves at last that we can mog that are worth using
  9. Amelletta

    EU+US Legion Set

    here is what it got going, still yet to get the legion invasion gloves & ill be on the front lines for fishing trinket's :p as you can see there is almost no difference. in world stats with full enchants & no buffs || In arena & battle grounds with no buffs
  10. Amelletta

    EU+US 29's Gear and Consumables Index Legion update

    looking for input check out the new updated info find what i missed or got wrong :p
  11. Amelletta

    EU+US 29's Gear and Consumables Index Legion update

    you will get more stats from having a full set of your armor type.
  12. Amelletta

    EU+US 29's Gear and Consumables Index Legion update

    i need a cloth engi toon to test Gnomish Mind Control Cap for me please and get back to me
  13. Amelletta

    EU+US 29's Gear and Consumables Index Legion update

    still lots more info getting worked out as we speak as always ill keep it up to date as best i can, im told the legion invasion items can get a upgrade to 37il from the blue chest you get from final boss. yet to see it but
  14. Amelletta

    EU+US 29's Gear and Consumables Index Legion update

    so updated. its all about your class's armor type and then your toons ilvl. so a paladin like me full plate of the best ilvl i can get my hands on and the the Rock x2 Problem solving pendant x1 Parachute cloak x1 and fishing trinkets x2 will be BIS in bgs
  15. Amelletta

    EU+US Legion Set

    well i got the very same gear and but dont have the same stats as you
  16. Amelletta

    EU+US Legion Set

    Raznar is all them screen shots with no chants and no buffs?
  17. Amelletta

    EU+US Legion Bis Gear For battle Grounds & Arenas

    things are all over the place :P loving it with the legion invasion gear.
  18. Amelletta

    EU+US Legion Set

    love how its all up in the air atm :P ill do some more testing tonight too
  19. Amelletta

    EU+US Legion Bis Gear For battle Grounds & Arenas

    im still two items away from full bis ilvl gear(non GF items) for holy and ret. ( trinkets ) but from what im getting atm is small. at work atm ill give you more info tonight full stats and stuff. :p
  20. Amelletta

    EU+US 29's Gear and Consumables Index Legion update

    you can mogged this item, heres how. make your mog set with the boa helm. save that set. equipped the goggles and apply the saved set to the mog, this will only work for this helm and not the engi boots or belt