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  1. Waiwhat

    Arena Ranked / New Website Arena Skirmish Ladder for Twinks

    Funny how its the win/lose ratio that makes the ladder and not the rating. Dosent matter that hunters get 20% less rating then.
  2. Waiwhat

    Is Warrior Worth Playing After Crusader Nerf

    Play what you enjoy. They are both good.
  3. Waiwhat

    F2P & Vet Armory List [SHADOWLANDS]

    What's with all this BIS talk. It ain't BIS if it ain't totally BIS!
  4. Waiwhat

    [Feb, 23rd] 9.2 Twentified Patch notes

    Judgment, and Holy Shock damage reduced by 12%. :PepeHands:
  5. Waiwhat

    Hellscream's Heirlooms

    The 1hand str sword is also awesome!
  6. Waiwhat

    Level 20 Items Sheet UPDATED How do you get this? Been there let's if time but never seen the rare up.
  7. Waiwhat

    Level 20 Items Sheet UPDATED

    Mark of the Trained Soldier is 6flat mastery in BG. Maybe better. I dont know. satyr seems so shit now.
  8. Waiwhat

    Level 20 Items Sheet UPDATED

    Why hidden satyr?
  9. Waiwhat

    So true.

    So true.
  10. Waiwhat

    Transmog Flex Thread

    "Barefoot Power Ranger"
  11. Waiwhat

    F2P & Vet Armory List [SHADOWLANDS] Made myself a little Shadow Priest. Add it to the small list if this amazing spec.
  12. Waiwhat

    Need some guidance! <3

    Priest is also a good pick. All speccs can top meters and make a big impact on a game.
  13. Waiwhat

    F2P & Vet Armory List [SHADOWLANDS]

    Hey! Add my resto shaman again : Guess you can call it GF if u have the hellscream weps. They are for sure GF..
  14. Waiwhat

    Survival Hunter Wep Enchants

    12 agi....
  15. Waiwhat

    Ret Paladin - Mastery or Haste, or a combo of both

    I'm pretty sure that versa gives u more damage then mastery on all spells up untill 30% as ret. No need to stack mastery untill u have that.
  16. Waiwhat

    Nirise's Shadowlands 20 Resto Shaman Guide

    Lovely guide! Agree with everything in it. Little extra speed from boes makes rsham extremely fun to play imo. This is my take, can play with less stam, but with the usual 5 hunters in random bg I pref this set. Thanks for the great work...
  17. Waiwhat

    85 ilvls exploiting ANY BFA M0 dungs(except underrot)

    Perma bans are happening. Watch out.