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  1. Twinks Eat Twinkies Premade Team

    Word on the streets these guys have the best shadow priest of all time.. just rumors ;)
  2. My Vision

    the best thing to improve this bracket is premades. Real premades 10v10 war-game not that silly pug shit. #giveusgames
  3. 70 holy vs prot pala

    Play holy its good. great utility Ret is also really good too
  4. NWL S1S1: Waka Flocka Seagulls Vs Ugly Girls Get Tap Water

    Re: NWL: Series One - Waka Flocka Seagulls Vs Ugly Girls Get Tap Water Uggtw 3-0
  5. Let's show 70!

    Too bad this is on eu... sounds like a lot of fun
  6. <Waka Flocka Seagulls> / <WFS> Recruiting on Bleeding Hollow [A+H]

    Best of luck with the recruiting. You guys are a very dedicated group of players and I look forward to seeing how you guys perform in the gultch.
  7. Fried Chicken 10 Man Team Roster

    Schedule vs us. (Twinks eat twinkies)
  8. The Nineteens Wargaming League: Structure and Rules

    Re: The Nineteens Wargaming League - Registration, Rules, and Structure Name: Darkxd Battletag: Darkxdpvp#1622 Alliance: Priest: Darkxd @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft Shaman: Cyberbullyxd @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft Hunter: Rankthree @ Bleeding Hollow -...
  9. 70-79s Armory List

    Isn't it just Personal preference how you gear your toon? I didn't think there was necessarily a set exact bis for every class...
  10. 70 Tier List?

    Haha skill>spell power set
  11. Thank You TC Organizers - Love BTB

    "Abusing a bug or exploiting the game in any way will result in an immediate removal from the tournament" Also huge thanks to loveshack for allowing me to play on his team we had a great run and I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to compete with than BtB.

    Id for sure be down for this add my btag so we can set this up Darkxdpvp#1622
  13. Twink Cup Promo Video clips

    Twitch 7:30-7:54 Gankerixer with a sick ninja return to get Waka a 1-0 start to the game against Harvest
  14. Twink Cup Promo Video clips

    Twitch 4:07-4:55 BTB's fc spore druid with a great move to successfully get out of the fr while BTB is holding down mid and landing kill against the infamous waka flaka midfight
  15. Twink Cup Promo Video clips

  16. US Project: GG Nineteen

    I would like to give a huge shoutout to GG19 and Slacknul for helping me fund my mage so that i could compete in the 3v3 tournament for the twinkcup. Slack was a huge help and was able to fund me with all the pieces of gear and enchants that i needed to ensure my character was ready for the...
  17. WFS: Swinging That Heavy Meat

    I don't get it ?
  18. Recruiting for Twink Cup

    Best of luck with the recruiting. Good to see another team on the horizon.
  19. <Twinks Eat Twinkies> 3v3 29 tournament tomorrow July, 10th @ 10 PM EST

    LF teams to war-game for practice before the tourney add my btag if you can get a team together to war-game us . Scotty#1603
  20. US Rant: TC Insanity

    I want to see some affliction lock rot comps and 2 healer Mage comps !