Search results

  1. Warlockhomes

    US Looking for 101-110 power leveling

    out of Curiosity, how long roughly does it take when you do this? to level i mean, if a twink boosted your character in dungeons from 101 to 110, how long would the play time be? i just hit 110 on my tank this morning, i still need to do a DPS, if its much quicker than just questing, id be...
  2. Warlockhomes

    EU+US Gear buff - using correct armour for your class

    just talking in General. id imagine the best classes to do this on would be either Shaman or Hunter, or Boomkin Druid the only classes that spread across 2 armour types that share the same primary stats. Str only exists on Plate to my knowledge?? Cloth users can only use Cloth So limits what...
  3. Warlockhomes

    EU+US Gear buff - using correct armour for your class

    right so, even if it is active everywhere, at this current moment in time, its still better or me to roll with a 840+ non class specific armour, than it is a 710 or whatever it is max you can get from questing. and the bonus is hidden, thats fine. thanks all
  4. Warlockhomes

    EU+US Gear buff - using correct armour for your class

    hmmm So if you are rolling say an Enhancement Shammy.... is it worth using the BoE leather items on slots that you cant get Mail?
  5. Warlockhomes

    EU+US Gear buff - using correct armour for your class

    Hey Folks I am looking for a little guidance here, the passive armour skill that says you get 5% primary stat for using all specific armour for your class, for example, the Hunter using all Mail items, gives 5% agility. Does any1 know, is it 5% increase on each item you have equipped. or 5% on...
  6. Warlockhomes

    EU+US Wondering about the stat reduction as you level

    Thanks both, so clearly isnt worth it. Looking at basically 50% reduction to all the stats if you were to level to 106
  7. Warlockhomes

    EU+US Wondering about the stat reduction as you level

    Hey Folks Does anyone know, or is there anyway to work out, just how much your stats lose its benefit as you level? So you make a level 101 twink, gear it to the heavens and you have like 200% mastery, 45% crit, 35% haste etc etc. When you level to 102, 103, 104 , those stats reduce? as you...
  8. Warlockhomes

    EU+US If you had to rank the best twink classes what would your order be?

    I just wanted something to speed up my gold making, to be honest i found a decent place in high mountain, where the prowler things spawn back pretty fast. i pull 5, loot, move into next bit and pull another 4, by time i go back the other 5 have re-spawned. im not sure how speed compares to...
  9. Warlockhomes

    EU+US If you had to rank the best twink classes what would your order be?

    I rolled a Warlock, Currently 802 ( 2 items are crap, 710 odd because they are limited by the Cloth only armour ) I use it for farming, my mastery is over 200% and i can basically just slap 1 dot on each Npc while farming leather etc and they all run to me, then when they die, their soul...