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  1. Geekz

    What realm

    I’d advise against this unless you have way too much gold and don’t know what to do with it. Price gouges are rampant and you’ll regularly see BoEs listed for 20-500k.
  2. Geekz

    Out of the loop, a few questions.

    When you turn the shirt over, there’s just one name. FLAGGOBLIN
  3. Geekz

    Out of the loop, a few questions.

    Nah 4en is chill now
  4. Geekz

    Out of the loop, a few questions.

    It’s k my rampant alt-oholism makes me hard to follow. Btw I got Arock to queue w/ me last night but it was kinda spoiled by a horde group camping GY with 5 fury warriors. Idk if he’ll stick with it.
  5. Geekz

    Out of the loop, a few questions.

  6. Geekz

    Class to choose?

    Boomkin/rogue. Pick your battles.
  7. Geekz

    Out of the loop, a few questions.

    WB buddy! Arcane maybe could work for FC with the mana shield talent though it’s been nerfed several times now. The main issue is armor matters more than it used to. Fortunately arcane just pumps insane damage so there’s always that route. How did I not know about this badass shirt?
  8. Geekz

    State of disc in 8.1

    Now now fury warriors get no say in this : P
  9. Geekz

    State of disc in 8.1

    I for one will freely admit that I get rolled by the constant stream of 4+ fury warriors on every horde team and absolutely crutch on shield spam. Looks like shadow will be back on the menu boys. : )
  10. Geekz

    Official Tourney News! (yes, THAT tourney)

    Assuming we can do some testing and make sure my computer can handle the spectator client and comms, I’d likely be interested in doing some casting. Would like to get a bit of info on each player: time as a 39, max level rated xp, what they’re going to ride first at Disney if they win, etc...
  11. Geekz

    Whats the longest amount of time youve farmed for a BiS?

    279 revelosh runs for my damn monkey gloves on my rogue.
  12. Geekz

    US 39's Armory List

    Personally I think that set gives up way too much intellect for the sake of crit. Idk I’d have to see it in action but I’d much rather have closer to 290 int
  13. Geekz

    In what bracket is hunters most OP and what spec?

    hunter is good in every bracket.
  14. Geekz

    US Tournament News!!!!

    I get that, but damage bot comps DO work. Look at how much turbo cleave is in the meta turbo cleave would like a word with you. I know I know it’s not the same as 120 but when your damage output is significantly higher than any other class, if played correctly, fury should still be strong.
  15. Geekz

    US Tournament News!!!!

    Did I miss a fury nerf or something? I know most fury players are semi-brain dead but it’s still stupid amounts of damage.
  16. Geekz

    US Tournament News!!!!

    On the contrary, Fury should be quite strong paired with any good cc class. The damage alone keeps it top tier. KFC and WMP both look like they’d be ridiculous. 1 trap or poly on healer with no trinket should result in a kill.
  17. Geekz

    Will You All Be Migrating To Classic WoW?

    You don’t gain XP in BGs in classic.
  18. Geekz

    The 39 Class Tier List

    Yep I think I’d rather have a surv hunter over an arms warrior. Better mobility, cc, and spread pressure.
  19. Geekz

    The 39 Class Tier List

    Psh using void form? Nahhh I like going zoom zoom with my 33% move speed cause Mania is busted.
  20. Geekz

    The 39 Class Tier List

    Shadow priest is tier 2 until the shadow form nerfs go through.