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  1. Trillmatics

    US The Twink Cup 2017 Updated

    Oh boy, hopefully the rules aren't manipulated in this tournament
  2. Trillmatics

    US GCTL Winter 2017 WSG League $450

    might be the dumbest post ive ever seen on this website
  3. Trillmatics

    US Best of 19s all time

  4. Trillmatics

    US We out here!! Who wants the bsns?!!

    cringiest shit ive ever seen
  5. Trillmatics

    US Best of 19s all time

  6. Trillmatics

    US Excuses

    why are we even still talking about this its actually so cancer for the community like????is this league of legends or????
  7. Trillmatics

    EU+US @GSC

    im gay
  8. Trillmatics

    US Hunnybuns vs. Ciren disc showdown

    This thread is worthless lmao
  9. Trillmatics

    20-29 29 3v3 WoD Championship

    Cuter singler dads Automatics: Automatics#1957 Snug: Lithology: TBD Will have updated...
  10. Trillmatics

    20-29 29 3v3 WoD Championship

    4 people are allowed on a roster, can those players swap between the classes they have or are they limited to 1 class per player?
  11. Trillmatics

    US Thanks from Manny

  12. Trillmatics

    20-29 29 3v3 WoD Championship

    Will these be streamed & is there a prize pool? Looks interesting.
  13. Trillmatics

    US Your TC teams song

  14. Trillmatics

    US Phobia being a suck-up.
