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  1. CIHC

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  2. CIHC

    wonder how high i can get crit at 29... hm

    wonder how high i can get crit at 29... hm
  3. CIHC

    tiem to make a new 29 character for some shenanigans

    tiem to make a new 29 character for some shenanigans
  4. CIHC

    [Shaman] Ghost Wolf Speed Testing

    Pretty sure Speed has DR. Here is my Shaman Isli - Character ( Here is a macro /script ChatFrame1:AddMessage(string.format("Player speed: %d%%", (GetUnitSpeed("Player") / 7) * 100)) Happy testing.
  5. CIHC

    guess burr druid isn't too viable. feel like im garbo at it.

    guess burr druid isn't too viable. feel like im garbo at it.
  6. CIHC


  7. CIHC

    Hate 20s Love 29s

    Bear LF Friends.
  8. CIHC

    What spec works (or may work) at 29 (that simply didn't work at 20)

    Guardian Druid is lulzy and is getting buffed in DF
  9. CIHC

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  10. CIHC

    @kompe - I wish I had access to beta. Would love to see how my characters scale.

    @kompe - I wish I had access to beta. Would love to see how my characters scale.
  11. CIHC

    I had fun last night as a fc. Thanks for the games n heals.

    I had fun last night as a fc. Thanks for the games n heals.
  12. CIHC

    Can't wait to be that annoying druid in BGs.

    Can't wait to be that annoying druid in BGs.
  13. CIHC

    might do gdruid for laughs

    might do gdruid for laughs
  14. CIHC

    i just realized with 20/29 merged. I can just hit level 20 on my speed demon shaman and que...

    i just realized with 20/29 merged. I can just hit level 20 on my speed demon shaman and que normally.
  15. CIHC

    Farming Friends! (F2P/Vet tags)

    I need help farming out some legion bops :/
  16. CIHC

    Tank running Legion dungeons. Btag is in sig

    Tank running Legion dungeons. Btag is in sig
  17. CIHC

    Queues alread 9m long and growing :/

    I just want to say I've been watching BGs pop left and right today.
  18. CIHC

    farmed out 700g for my freedom trinket. woah mama~~~

    farmed out 700g for my freedom trinket. woah mama~~~
  19. CIHC

    Highest Twink Population Servers?

    Bleeding Hollow or bust