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  1. EDIT: Changes reverted!|Big changes to ilvl on PTR all epics nerfed to the ground except wod epics

    good to know that i can hop on my 29 warrior and play BGs whenever i want.
  2. NEW changes to 20 tiwnk bracket BONECHILLING

    Gotta say this is freaken hilarious.
  3. sup twinks thinking about coming back to retail

    i have been thinking about the same thing, how is the queue time nowadays?
  4. Viable classes

    getting 2 shot by a shaman (far from BiS) was pretty depressing.
  5. Christmas swings around the corner and I am about 10k poorer :(

    So I have a business which relies on getting items in bulk (like 2500 units, for example) at a cheap price and then sell them one-by-one or in a semi-bulk (like, 60~500 units) way. Therefore to be successful and sustainable, i need help with a lot of things: 1, getting the item. it's a...
  6. Viable classes

    How's the queue time lately? I haven't played in a while.
  7. Viable classes

    29 resto shaman in 112 is so strong that even i get 2 shot, and i am a 29 in full 112 going all out stamina + vers. but good thing there aren't too many of them, and even the few i see are far from BiS.
  8. Permanent burning rush warlock?

    gloves/boots/chest all proc epic, you must have Dwarven Bunker / War Mill in your garrison.
  9. Viable classes

    viable is hard to define. if there is a 29 shaman in full 112, whatever you play won't be viable. if you are facing mediocre people, everything is viable.
  10. Permanent burning rush warlock?

    a 20 with 11 sockets, holy moly.
  11. Your Game of the Week Thread (29s edition)

    not true. good 20s do well in BGs. this guy topped the chart as a 20 hunter
  12. I wanna see it.

    First of all runeblade doesn't stack. Second of all, people like warglave and chops always view others from their own perspective, sad really
  13. What expansion procs what now?

    ya, laptop isn't the best for gaming. 3080 on a laptop is like 3060 on a desktop. plus laptops over-heat too easily. regardless, i am in no mood to grind gears when queues are only good 3 hours a day.
  14. I wanna see it.

    i was like that at one point in my life, WoW was the most important thing. but now i have so much going on besides WoW that i don't really care too much anymore. edit: just to show you my account activity for 2022 (this doesn't include my salary payroll which goes into another account), i am...
  15. What expansion procs what now?

    That's good to know. So one can literally start a new F2P account with a level 1 to act as the leader for resetting dungeons. Hardware should be strong enough to handle 3 instances of wow though. (My 3080 laptop can barely handle 3 instances of wow lol)
  16. I wanna see it.

    Don't need attention on a video game message are trying to look at everything from your own perspective.
  17. I wanna see it.

    i get literally 2 shot by a resto shaman in 112. but when there aren't serious 29 twinks around, i am like a god (here i outhealed my entire team, keep in mind that runeblade regen isn't even recorded)
  18. Your Game of the Week Thread (29s edition)

    Why don't you post some good game SS to illustrate your point.