Search results

  1. Sunwatcher

    Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec combos.

    Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com Yeah, I've been seeing that too. I figured either the old AP Hordies were together again, or some of the newer ones were maturing a bit. Either way it's been nice to see. Also, Bend is this you?! Is this how...
  2. Sunwatcher

    Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec combos.

    Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com Look what I just found! What a proud and noble faction! :D
  3. Sunwatcher

    Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec combos.

    Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com Just saw it drop along with some ceremonial in RFC about 10min ago. A few runs before that as well. I can jump on heals, and we can 2man it if you like.
  4. Sunwatcher

    Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec combos.

    Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com Wherein the masseur is a 24, and f2ps are the players, referees, crowd, or any other upstanding person of good character.
  5. Sunwatcher

    Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec combos.

    Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com Posting this here, since you bwl folk are cool enough to read this intelligently without starting a flamewar, which, interesting enough is sorta the subject of an article I found tonight. I was researching...
  6. Sunwatcher

    toodaloo wow .

    Just came to Ti today to see how the lovely f2p community was... and this??? Oh Bend, what has become of us. I feel like we're abandoning our home. Even though I left Azeroth on my own journey, I feel this loss as though I'm still on BWL. Do we have any running FCs now? Cuz someone still on...
  7. Sunwatcher

    Good Bye Beautiful Heroes of Azeroth

    TL,DR: I'm leaving Azeroth, for a long time, possibly forever, and I want to say thanks to all of you, and tell you that you're all unique and fun people. I wish you all futures in real life full of real gold with as many bag slots you can imagine. Sinu' Amenore! It's with both sadness and...
  8. Sunwatcher

    Aaaaand another stealth bug

    Thought I remembered a few people reporting this happening rarely in 5.2 as well. Or maybe I'm crazy. Anyway, I noticed it a few times the first day 5.3 dropped. Non-24 hunts and non-hunters could target me for some reason. Really bummed me out. Haven't played rogue since then for other reasons...
  9. Sunwatcher

    Oh hi Mark

    What a story, Mark. I'll second what Kibbies said, and add that not only does demo have some nice survivability with the demo jump, but it's tons of fun. If you get swiftpots and stack stam, demo can be a really nice flag runner. The meteor spell is fantastic at slowing EFCs so your team can...
  10. Sunwatcher

    Trial accounts can no longer make gm tickets.

    FALSE ALARM! :D F2ps can still easily submit GM tickets. Nobody I know has had trouble with this. And I just made two tickets in the past 48 hours. Everything is fine. Can the OP (or mod) either edit (or remove) the thread?
  11. Sunwatcher


    Well earlier tonight 3 out of 10 Alliance FCs had a right to believe lock isn't viable. And 4 out of 6 Alliance rogues know better. ;)
  12. Sunwatcher

    F2P "Ironman" Experiment

    Caught him doing that a few times this weekend. But come on! We ALL KNOW it's just a bad/laggy connection.... every.... single.... time. Give him a break. Guy's network equipment is probably just from like 1996 or something. Let's not hate. Maybe we can save up and buy the him a new modem or...
  13. Sunwatcher


    ^^This^^ is not a bad strategy sometimes :D Go locks! (im not a real lock, i just play one in AB)
  14. Sunwatcher


    If you didn't play lock in 5.2 you'll be at a HUGE advantage over some of us that did. Because, if they're anything like me they're STILL double-cast things, even though they no longer need to. I'm wasting my GCD and all sorts of valuable moves :D You however, will always play the right way...
  15. Sunwatcher

    F2P "Ironman" Experiment

    Sounds cool. Good luck! I was under the impression that "Ironman" challenges involved one additional minor detail: ZERO DEATHS. Toons on the ironman challenge site were toons with zero deaths. Any toon that died, no matter what level, gets deleted upon death. Isn't that their basic rule? You...
  16. Sunwatcher

    Gear scales now

    On my demo lock, I missed only one fear in a round of WSG. I had to double cast my dots ZERO times :D On my balance, I had to double cast my dots ZERO times :D Now, I was stacking hit on the lock, so maybe a regular build might still encounter some issues. But from the small playing I've done so...
  17. Sunwatcher

    What if:

    We've been throwing this idea around for a bit. We could all copy our f2ps over (at least 2 of em, since 2 is the max char copies o the PTR), then lock XP and organize massive wargames. It would be very very fun. It's too bad we couldn't do it all the time, since the PTR isn't always up (though...
  18. Sunwatcher

    Brazilian Players

    It's definitely not the BR players who are responsible for what we experience. It's Blizz. Translation is a tough problem to solve in-game. But there's one area that Blizz could easily improve upon that could help out. I try to use emotes right now, assuming that they're the only thing that...
  19. Sunwatcher

    Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

    So true. There is one area where that's not the case though, and that's when a 24 premade thinks they're going to destroy us in mid, and we 3cap em before they know what's happened. That gets pretty fun sometimes :D
  20. Sunwatcher

    Questions & Answers

    On a related note, Once in a while Kibbies or I check Quel'Thalas to see if they've discovered the add-on. But nope. Forever alone every time I log. Does anyone here speak enough Spanish to log over to Quel'Thalas, head over to Org/SW, and let some of the 20s there know about the add-on? I'm...