Search results

  1. What Champ Should I Main Next?

    Jungle or tank so I don't have to, thanks.
  2. Corki in the God Tier?

    She sucks. Some people think she's good. But from what I've been seeing, she's terrible. She does nothing. She can jungle, but who cares, she can't gank for shit. But this is my own experience with her.
  3. Need help with akali!

    Try: Akali, by the numbers (Theorycraft) by kodama3 :: Akali :: Champion Guide :: Leaguecraft ... Very informative guide, one of the best on the site.
  4. Corki in the God Tier?

    He's a strong overall physical carry, no doubt. Basically a Kog'Maw with an "escape" with Valkyrie. Similar to Kog, he's easily shutdown if CC'd and needs a strong early game. Powerful yes, but needs good farm. He may have the second highest single target DPS, second to Kog. Oh, and you already...
  5. v1.0.0.103

    Needs more Eve buffs.