Search results

  1. What's happening to Dungeon Finder

    Just did that. No BGs name listed, too. But Happily found that I was able to join a lot of BGs not previously available to f2p (Deepwind Gorge, Silvershard Mines, The Battle for Gilneas, Temple of Kotmogu, Seething Shore, Twin Peaks), BUT, still no dungeons listed in the dungeon finder. I...
  2. What's happening to Dungeon Finder

    where do I choose this? I'm on a pure free to play account. Never aware of any Timewalking thing available to us.
  3. What's happening to Dungeon Finder

    Being f2p (lvl20) in BFA. Now in SL, squished to lvl10. Now my dungeon finder shows nothing. Not even Rage Fire Chasm. It is a temporary issue or they have removed dungeons for lvl10 altogether?
  4. EU+US What Should a F2p Do ?

    When I log into sl at f2p: 1) No dungeon available at lvl13 in the dungeon finder 2) In BG, seems that the previous epic gear is even worse the lvl19 heirlooms 3) banked xp disappeared So, what should we do now? Level to 20 thru questing?
  5. EU+US What Will Happen To Banked XP If F2P Cap is 20

    shit, i just farmed a few epic foamspittle staff, many weeks of farming wasted
  6. EU+US What Will Happen To Banked XP If F2P Cap is 20

    If case you haven't read this: I'm assuming f2p will be lvl20 in sl. In that case, i guess we will be squished to lvl10 and since we haven't reached the cap, i'm assuming the banked xp will be auto applied to ding some levels. Any idea...
  7. US f2p eots

    It doesn't feel right if sl f2p is lvl10. Looking at this, lvl10 rogue cannot sap, healers cannot revive, tanks cannot taunt, hunter cannot concussive shot. These abilities, to me, is the trademark of each respective class. It...
  8. Alliance vs Alliance in Arena Skirmish

    I suppose the opposing teams in Arena are Horde vs Alliance. Is it correct? Would it be possible that 2 teams of Alliance players match against each other. It seems that I saw 2 alliance teams against each other. What i did is that I entered the Arena thru alt-H->Arena Skirmish option. I...
  9. EU+US Glitch that may allow f2p druids to access 'inaccessible' zones

    outside. Actually, i tried to Moonglade/Zen inside lvl20 dungeons (either walked into directly or thru the dungeon finder). When i moonglade/zen back, i was outside it too. So i guess this feature is a generic mechanism regardless of lvl.
  10. EU+US Glitch that may allow f2p druids to access 'inaccessible' zones

    Back to the topic. Tried this today (during Brewfest) using both druid & monk. i. joined the Brewfest boss Coren Direbrew as lvl20 f2p. Entered Blackrock Depths. ii. while inside the dungeon Zen Prilgrimage/Teleport to Moonglade, then teleport back to dungeon iii. end up at the dungeon...
  11. EU+US Portal Access

    no need to take the trouble of aggro'ing any mobs . Just make sure your HS is on cooldown and use the HELP->CHARACTER STUCK feature to suicide.
  12. WSG Flag Carrier using Globin Glider

    i don't understand. You mean using some tricks one can pick up the flag while on a glider? Is it an exploit?
  13. WSG Flag Carrier using Globin Glider

    Is it possible for a flag carrier to use globin glider in WSG? I saw someone doing this today. I suppose this was disabled. Did i misunderstand anything?
  14. F2p Challenge:Getting to Vashjir by Swimming

    what does that mean?
  15. F2p Challenge:Getting to Vashjir by Swimming

    I am not sure if there are easier ways to get to Vashj'ir. But i managed to swim to there as a lvl20 f2p without any help from higher lvl characters. Just wondering anything interesting to do there as a lvl20?
  16. US How can a FTP account lvl 1 make gold to stop exp for lvl 1?

    can a lvl1 learn fishing? seems not iirc
  17. Knockback effect of MWMonk's Crackling Jade Lightning

    The tool tip says it sometimes knock back a melee attacker, but i've never seen this happening. Is it a bug or the chance is really low?
  18. How many of you will Boycott Blizz

    funny video showing how the China supporters "think". Yes, they can't even think independently and logically apart from yelling nonsense "China is good" or "anti-independence" (sic) slogans, although the demand is for democracy, not independence. Standard symptoms of communist brainwashing...
  19. US QUEING WITH XPOFF - TEACH ME PLZ (Almond, Honorolo, Rejuvemantes, Alaria, Altaradarmah)

    I guess it got something to do with party sync. since new bugs usually associated with new features
  20. US xpoff Almond is at it again, blizz pls fix the bug

    Our great Almond the lvl29 xpoff twink is at lvl20 xpon queue again. Can't blizz deal with their bug?Although i'm not sure how he managed to do this this time.