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  1. Want to build an AH tracker for BoE socket gear?

    I spent some time this weekend working on this and its actually not all that complex, there's just A LOT of auction data to process. I started tracking auctions hourly for a couple of EU + RU realms recording in my own database any items of interest following the rules posted in the previous...
  2. Want to build an AH tracker for BoE socket gear?

    So after a bit of investigative work on this I think I might have worked out how to determine the stats and levels... Below is an example response of an item from the auction API.
  3. Want to build an AH tracker for BoE socket gear?

    Sorry for the late reply to this thread but did you get any further with this project? I've been thinking of building something similar myself... but the Blizzard auction API is very limited in what it gives out about the items. I can see how to determine whether the item has a socket...
  4. Which BG are you good/bad at?

    My highest win rate is actually on Seething Shore (80%), the BG most disliked. On EU this BG is definitely bugged, a lot of the time one team (usually Horde) only has 5 or 6 players and doesn't fill up. so this win-rate is inflated. Lowest win-rate is actually on WSG even though this is my fav...
  5. New to SL Twinking

    Yes but make sure to turn your xp back on before the sub runs out. There are some guilds but you can get by just fine with the in-game communities. I see most twinks in EU playing on Ravencrest, Stormscale, Argent Dawn, Draenor. You can use the search function to find more information on this...
  6. Grondo's Bounty Draenor Garrison Quest You can get this from a rare in Frostfire 100% drop. Procs the same amount of Agility also on the same cooldown. And yes the proc amount is actually half in PvP. Edit: this is assuming you want the Agil reward. Just saw you can get...
  7. Is this the end of the twinking? =P

    Queues are always shorter for Horde. Two pools of players to get matched against: EU or RU Alliance. When Alliance starts pre-mades this only increases wait time even more.
  8. What servers are played?

    If you're EU then Ravencrest (Alliance) and Stormscale (Horde) are probably the most popular servers. Draenor, Outland and Argent Dawn also semi-popular.
  9. Silly question

    Small RNG chance to drop with a socket.
  10. brambleking rare in WOD

    I think it's only from the rare. It's likely people have killed the rare and the trash at the same time, gone to loot the trash and got the staff thinking it came from them. Honestly if you are not too attached to your char its faster to re-roll a level 10 until it drops. 40% drop chance from...
  11. On premade frequency

    You can't play on Russian servers without having your whole game language in Russian. There's plenty of RU Alliance in the communities so you could group up. Some will known enough English to party with you
  12. Affliction Warlock

    If you're seeing 250k damage in a BG it's likely they're using a or other target dummy toy before the BG starts. For some reason this counts as damage on the scoreboard.
  13. Revive Horde EU

    This happens on the alliance side as well, although admittedly its mostly the horde getting steamrolled. People queue up solo into 5 man premade on the opposing faction. A couple of bgs like that and most either win log to an alt on the opposing faction, or stop queueing up. This quickly leads...
  14. Patch 9.0.5 Findings

    They scale now. Originally they didn't and were ilvl 44 with 52 stats.
  15. Farming Hypnotic Dust on a lvl 20 Caster

    I was in the same position and found it easier to just level Wrath enchanting. If you have 1,000 gold (max F2P) you can get 75/75 WotLK enchanting in no time. Buy the cheapest purple/blue gear from the Legacy Justice vendors in old Dalaran to disenchant.
  16. Farming Hypnotic Dust on a lvl 20 Caster

    Which enchants are you looking to craft? I found that WoTLK enchants were much easier to obtain as a F2P
  17. Love is in the Air Necklace.

    Queue for the Crown Chemical dungeon event, you can do it on a level 20. It's a random drop from the boss.
  18. Superior Impact?

    Yes it gives +3 weapon damage which scales really weirdly for Feral druids, easily the BiS weapon enchant. I have seen some survival hunters running it also.
  19. EU+US Scariest 5-man in the Bracket?

    On EU there is a lot of Russian premade groups. Often times all 10 or 15 players in the russian team are twinks, they must queue as two or three 5x man groups. You might as well write /afk as you know the horde is about to be farmed with soviet efficiency.