Search results

  1. toonn

    EU+US f2p mogs

    just somthing cool dont want look stupid like i do rn xD
  2. toonn

    EU+US f2p mogs

    Hello guys i had to start ay fresh wow account becuse of ay few personal things. and im looking for f2p mogs for all clases would be nice if anyone could list a few mogs for me thanks. if you wanted to add my new real id it's Toons#21117
  3. toonn

    EU+US bis for 85s ?

    The thing is the same thing happens everytime i guess like 85-89-91-99-101- but thers allways a nerf inc
  4. toonn

    EU+US bis for 85s ?

    thanks for all the info guys.... also i never really like the idea of 89 i never played 80-89 at all so ima give it ay try as its rather cheap now. :)
  5. toonn

    EU+US bis for 85s ?

    Hello im going to make ay 85 warrior and im not sure on whats bis now. anyone know what bis is now ?
  6. toonn

    EU+US laughing skull mask transmog

    the thing is thats gonna cost me like 500k + or somthing stupid becuse i dont have a 110 sadly
  7. toonn

    dex whats your btag bro

    dex whats your btag bro
  8. toonn

    EU+US laughing skull mask transmog

    hello guys im not to sure on how to get laughing skull mask transmog now in 7,3 so if anyone knows how to get it / knows if i cant anymore could you tell me :) please . i got told i can get it on my 100 and transmog on my 20 if anyone knows hit me up :) i have gold
  9. toonn

    EU+US 7,3 feral druid

    aight then mate ill give that ay try thanks mate
  10. toonn

    EU+US 7,3 feral druid

    Hello guys i know 10s got a nerf but im still going to make a new char. feral druid so im asking what is the best gear i can get from quest ah ect bgs . also what stats im needing in 7.3 THANKS toons!
  11. toonn

    EU Guilde (ßerzerker) twinks 19 Outland ally

    what is that screen shot showing your good at face roliing a class ?
  12. toonn

    EU The 19's Directory

    can add my rouge if you like :)