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  1. JadeFire

    TBC is showing correct level loot on the PTR...

    I love these posts of times past...but, when you look around and you are the only one in the pool and everybody else is scrambling to get out... maybe its because you shit in your trunks. "I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do!" only works when you have absolute power. Wargames 1) I'm sure there were...
  2. JadeFire

    TBC is showing correct level loot on the PTR...

    I can see the desire for organized 20s, but I mean just looking at somebody like Ghoods toon makes me not want to bother at all... period... because you can use a preschool level of math to just determine the outcome of the games. I've seen the "one hunter per team" bull shit attempts before...
  3. JadeFire

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    I can't fix 112, but I can keep trying to convince you (and by you I mean the collective problem) to not use it and make the games shitty. We can try to fix you... I understand I can't fix blizzard... this brings up the confusion part again. "Blizzard is letting me be an asshole, so I will...
  4. JadeFire

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    I'm more than happy just gearing, but just not getting pleasure out of wearing 112 gear and pressing 1 button to kill multiple people wearing i86... now sure you can say "duuuurrrrhhhh then wear i86"... well then you just feed the other little shitty kids that are wearing 112. It's a rough catch...
  5. JadeFire

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    Nobody is whining, you seemed to be confused as to why nobody was playing, as well as Glance. I have informed you. Now you can go back to making a show toon that you will never play. That's it, not sure how you are obviously confused
  6. JadeFire

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    Well, the entire 20s bracket cares, because they are not playing... not sure what you are not understanding... I mean, its been laid out for you 100 times now. The bracket cares about the 112 power gap because they are not here. If balancing the epics brings people back... ruin them... remove...
  7. JadeFire

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    Well the facts are not there to support that claim. When we lost the levelers the bracket did go to 15-20 minute queues, but they where there. Also, the games were pretty much the same as they were when we had the levelers... the games were mostly lopsided premade dog shit- that will NEVER...
  8. JadeFire

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    The issue is that 10% of the people want 112+socket (and eventually 112+socket+tert+correct stats) to be the meta... but the power gap is too big and the other 90% is not going to want to just be fodder so those people can have fun. If we get down to 86 turns into 89 (and NO 112 grandfathered...
  9. JadeFire

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    Let people get done playing their furry dragon toons.
  10. JadeFire

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    Was only talking about the true BiS issue this expansion, not the ability to get random gear with leech. IMO If I roll up in 6 months and have some crit/mastery/leech pile on my Ret and claim I've finally made it instead of Haste/Verse~Crit/Socket/Speed its a failure.
  11. JadeFire

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    I feel like its gonna be 1 warforged with socket and tert (that you want) every ~3 months (not including proper secondary stats)... unless you have some insane ability to only play wow... and only grind. Plus that is with just random sub optimal stats you WILL HAVE on your gear. Given...
  12. JadeFire

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    As a 112 fury in the game you should just gem correctly and you should be at least 40-0. Just gem correctly and you'll just 2 shot all of that hunter bull shit. The cloth stuff is nice, but even at 40% verse... its just 20% less damage... which is pretty much dog crap when you just cut your...
  13. JadeFire

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    The 20s hunters in full gear can at least output some damage, simply because its just hunters pressing buttons, get some more 112s in there to slap them around and it wont be an issue.
  14. JadeFire

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    Wins as any defining stat has always been balls for any twinking, if you premade your ratio will be 85% or higher... also if you just solo-queued during your factions prime time you will have 80% or higher by default. Even being concerned with win ratio is nonsensical.
  15. JadeFire

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    I mean I'm sure his warrior will be a pain in the ass to kill... 7500 HP and 40% verse.... but, that is basically just a few crits from a Pal or a Monk.
  16. JadeFire

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    Yeah 25% speed seems like enough (given you are using rivendare).. the regen is nice, but if everybody can get 112.. the burst will be high enough to where you might as well just take stats over the regen... because it wont save you IMO if you get focused.
  17. JadeFire

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    I do love having to focus on one toon though.
  18. JadeFire

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    Yeah just ran Shadowmoon burial... got i86 boots not i44 like the adventure guide says... probably just some display issue on the adventure guide not the items.
  19. JadeFire

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    There was some conflicting data up above... the WoD dungeon stuff is item level 44 is that still scaling up to 112 epic for 29s or is it just trash? What about WoD world quest shit... will that scale to 112?
  20. JadeFire

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    The scary part here is that even after being able to do NOTHING, the alliance guys just kept feeding the Monk. That is the thing that *unfortunately* makes me think they bracket will never die no matter how trash-fire it gets... these nut-job kids that just keep queueing into certain death with...