Search results

  1. Creed

    EU+US Project 60 on Icecrown Warmane?

    Hello everyone, me and a friend have gotten bored and dried out on WoW Pretty recently and were looking for something new and fun to do, We were just wanting to know how many people would be interested in a project 60 on a private server if anyone was actually really interested, DM me or comment...
  2. Creed

    US The 19's Directory (Armory, Guilds, Social Media)

    <One Nine> Server: Stormrage Recruiting: Yes (No link/thread) Wargaming:yes Twinkcup participation: (N/A) Who to contact: Reportedgodx (PM) Activity of the guild: *** Add my Druid to BiS List - Balance Stream link...
  3. Creed

    EU+US 70 Armory, not Just BIS (make sure your toons are on here, if not please comment!)

    Priest - Shadow Hunter - MM Mage - Fire
  4. Creed

    EU+US 70 Armory, not Just BIS (make sure your toons are on here, if not please comment!) Shadow/Disc
  5. Creed

    EU+US 70 Armory, not Just BIS (make sure your toons are on here, if not please comment!) MM/BM
  6. Creed

    EU+US 70 Armory, not Just BIS (make sure your toons are on here, if not please comment!) Fire/Arcane
  7. Creed

    A Guild for All Twinks

    Lmfao @Onlydreams
  8. Creed

    A Guild for All Twinks

    Hello, me and some friends have created a guild on Tichondrius Horde for twinks of all levels called <An Arena a Day>, If you are interested in joining Message anyone in the guild for an invite, and if you're planning on making a new twink come over to Tichondrius and give us a message and join...
  9. Creed

    US Would anyone be interested in US 80?

    For anyone that is interested add my battle tag FrostDrocc#1169 and yes @prodigy101 this is still a thing!
  10. Creed

    US Would anyone be interested in US 80?

    So me and some friends are wanting to start a progressive twink guild and were wondering if any of the community would like to participate in a level 80 twink progressive guild potentially on Tichondrius horde. If we get a good amount of people wanting to do so We will begin forming.
  11. Creed

    Any active progressive guilds?

    Me and a Bunch of friends are looking for a progressive twinking guild to play, whether it be 50,60,70, or 80. Any progressive bracket would be nice really. Thanks! (Note we are in US)
  12. Creed

    US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

    Couple Questions - 1) Is this guild Active 2) If it is active, What classes are needed? me and 3 friends are more than willing to come
  13. Creed

    US Level 80 twink pvp guild/raid progression

    Is this EU or US?
  14. Creed

    EU+US Legion Beta Q&A

    Will they be removing all gem slots in all gear? Or just for end game? Because 70s such as myself have to deal this this conundrum coming up
  15. Creed

    EU+US 70's Battle Tag List(Outdated)

    Drocc - Kel'Thuzad if your want to add me. FrostDrocc#1169 (US)
  16. Creed

    EU+US 70's Armory List

    Well thank you for your help :) I really appreciate it. One last question, Worth getting the Hyjal rep ring over the Green red socket ring?
  17. Creed

    EU+US 70's Armory List

    Are you talking about my Gear or the Guy with the heirlooms I was talking about?
  18. Creed

    EU+US 70's Armory List

    Ok thanks for the help :) love ya fx (Can you also link the WOTLK blues you're talking about?)
  19. Creed

    EU+US 70's Armory List

    Yeah I'm Aware these are just gems I had sitting around on another toon that I sent over while I farm the Pyrestone to gem everything. Second trinket I haven't had the best of luck with. Offhand I was originally frost haven't gotten around to changing that, thank you for the reminder. Ring I...