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  1. Stavie

    Meet The Twinks: Stubs

    Contact me if you think your worthy of an interview!
  2. Stavie

    Meet The Twinks: Stubs

    Thanks! It is fixed.
  3. Stavie

    Meet The Twinks: Stubs

    EU: Meet The Twinks NOTE: Name is stolen from Stealthcnt's US threads.. who got them from Drayner.. if this is a problem, I will happily go to my creative side, and find a name. I got contacted by a twink to start making these about the European twinks. I had some ideas of who should be...
  4. Stavie

    This will make you laugh! LMFAO!

    It had been more fun if it was randomly said by a rl person, but reading it online it isnt fun for me :&
  5. Stavie

    29 Europe Activity - Recruitment!

    We had some accident outlevels and some players leaving WoW and it stopped there. Sorry :/
  6. Stavie


    You have to recruit more aggresively. No one sees this. Not enough information, not enough exciting information about the bracket and you/friends.
  7. Stavie

    My thoughts on a dying bracket

    Off-topic battle of who is the best rogue. Back on track with how bracket "survives". I think we just need the skirmish boost ;) but the bracket wont change the personalities wont change and I think you just have to accept it.
  8. Stavie

    My thoughts on a dying bracket

    I typed that it seems.
  9. Stavie

    Mid Strat, Is there a counter?

    I hate the middle strat and it makes me not queue :( I don't see any other solution than O/D games again in eu, but its ok I can step back if most people prefer the mid strat :rolleyes:
  10. Stavie

    Anyone here play minecraft?

    I play this on and off with my friends :) I'd like to play with some of you TI's, just hit me a pm :) i enjoy a creative and survival almost equally.. I used to be a builder for FyreUK who makes insane buildings, check their yt: FyreUK - YouTube
  11. Stavie

    My thoughts on a dying bracket

    As Ihazbank stated the bracket is not dead/dying since pops are everyday stuff. It is just in a state that many dislike. Also as Nicozy said there is a huge gap in skill between players. It seems like all players who is not in TL, who are good is dodging and/or not playing. I think that we...
  12. Stavie

    Be Honest.

    ok makes it better
  13. Stavie

    Be Honest.

    who misses this orgrimmar.. :(
  14. Stavie

    Be Honest.

    I know most parts of Orgrimmar, but I get lost in Stormwind :)
  15. Stavie

    [H] Vanilla Skies: Creating a new home for 60 twinks! Ragnaros eu.

    some sixties "phades" leader doing raids and shit i think :) idk
  16. Stavie

    Bracket wide activities at all time low.

    It will all be saved by skirmishes return.
  17. Stavie

    Rules/Facts of 19s

    Found this source: WOW ACCOUNT NEWS: World of Warcraft Celebrities Mila Kunis |
  18. Stavie

    Rules/Facts of 19s

    where do you have "mila kunis played 19s" in the interview she only says she played the game a lot :)
  19. Stavie

    [H] Vanilla Skies: Creating a new home for 60 twinks! Ragnaros eu.

    I could be interessted in the PvP part of 60s :) edit: i think there is quite some 60s guilds already tho