Search results

  1. <tRain cOw> US - Bleeding Hollow [A] Recruiting

    Yes.. Update: In need of an Ele shaman, be good at it too.
  2. US Summer Premading Schedule

    best post of the day, ore!
  3. US Summer Premading Schedule

    praise btb they revolutionizd prmading as we knO it
  4. Best of 19s nd improving list

    no one is competition, xcpt lil ole me ofc
  5. Best of 19s nd improving list

  6. LF Guild to Q/Premade With

    tRain cOw would be interested in having ya on hpala (:
  7. We're back!

    nope, do i need to link the video again?
  8. Mid Strat, Is there a counter?

    tcat whr have you been
  9. We're back!

    lmao o ya i forgot u werent around during the biggest dodge in twink history.
  10. <tRain cOw> US - Bleeding Hollow [A] Recruiting

    Sorry that spot is filled.
  11. <Xtreme Gang Crew> vs <Viciously Delicious> 6/8/2013

    this will be the end of 19 twinks as we know it
  12. Mid Strat, Is there a counter?

    if urguild can adapt and do it better, you;ll end up like tRain cOw, sitting at the top of the throne and retired.
  13. *Who is the #1 Druid? (EU Included)*

    Mesi #1 the polls do not lie, get over it bads jajaja
  14. Livingforce Checking In!!!

    hey dude i missu
  15. Second Robbery

    god bless the the 19 twinks
  16. Livingforce Checking In!!!

    19s are not this serious...
  17. Second Robbery

    twink robber detective here, and i believe it was sax. i mean think about it.. all that hip hop he listens to and shit about robbin' and killin' i think it was sax in the conservatory with the revolver. he held that thing right to the GM's head and all hell broke loose...
  18. Worth Returning?

    its worth coming back alright!! play 90s. its far superior to this.
  19. US 19 Screen Shot Thread

    eliotes post.. lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo