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  1. Tweakedirl

    Twinks entering XP-on BGs is probably about to get fixed

    Dude your bizzare vitriol seriously screams potential future shooter. Chillaxe bro the fucking prize for this warcrime level of rulebending is literally what we had prior to theend of days patch
  2. Tweakedirl

    Twinks entering XP-on BGs is probably about to get fixed

    Is the hilarious absurdity of this position 'Any player who like to twink is free to gather people and to organise events / battles / whatever-you-want to keep alive his bracket' which is consistantly posited by F2P/Vets whose own bracket exists and gets frequently pops because it is fueled by...
  3. Tweakedirl

    US 59 daily war games on US- Horde vs Ally

    naked selfies sent to plantz has always worked for me. Dicks only though
  4. Tweakedirl

    EU+US Ghoul Fingers

    Safe to assume Salvage yard obtained items dont have epic proc chance? Im basing basing this on nothing btw...donmt even rly know what teh fuck the salvage yard even is outside garrison. IMagine if blizzard werent autistic after getting vaccinated a few years back and this epic proc...
  5. Tweakedirl

    The next chapter

    That sounds like a sci fi comedy scenario which ignores the laws of thermodynamics tbh #fatlogic
  6. Tweakedirl

    Downvote this person in Reddit.

    Rofl whats the chance the author of this reddit post is a F2P/Vet player lol 95% or 100%?
  7. Tweakedirl

    US The Official Twink Cup 2019 - Powered by ResurgentESB

    Look at all this untapped Esport potential on display in our only annual tournament, invest early invest strongly
  8. Tweakedirl

    Where can I find BIS?

    Its really best used as a basic reference for the fundemental gear pieces that are unambiguously BIS outside that each profile of the same class/spec is like a snowflake ie none are the same...also a ton of them are pre blue/purple proc patch geared
  9. Tweakedirl

    The next chapter

    As important excercise is for a huge variety of super important issues it pales in comparison to diet when it comes to weight. Its crazy to me how much actual food some people consume, I only really eat about one full meal most days and not a great lot else.......I just dont feel hungry for much...
  10. Tweakedirl

    The next chapter

    You were gone when you rolled alliance with gucci at a time alliance had a significantly larger twink population.......broke my heart and left me questioning everything glad youre less fat though, so many benefits to taking control of this, stay vigilant
  11. Tweakedirl

    Official Epic Upgrade Bragging Thread (Warning: Jealousy/Salt)

    Thats actually an interesting method, I think everyone has experienced the classic scenario with a desired item requiring the completion of a quest chain and then having some trivial piece of gear proc epic on the quest right before the one your item is a reward for in said chain. I always feel...
  12. Tweakedirl

    Official Epic Upgrade Bragging Thread (Warning: Jealousy/Salt)

    Someone tldr this stalled hand in method that saxxon our BOP purple geared overlord has just mentioned plzzzzzzz. So one may consider what level of rage one should appoint to the realisation of wasted opportunity on much loved toons.
  13. Tweakedirl

    Official Epic Upgrade Bragging Thread (Warning: Jealousy/Salt)

    God i find the constant logging in and out custom group creating experience during the pacifier farm a torturous experience.
  14. Tweakedirl

    Ferals at 85?

    Resto + Feral Affinity and Master Shapeshifter is pretty nuts, hard to think of a reason to even play straight feral instead tbh
  15. Tweakedirl

    US Epics on 19 twinks?

    we found em in our butts, weird game design..ions crazy
  16. Tweakedirl

    EU+US Farming 29 baddies who que bug

    I dont have all of the answers, especially when trying to understand what really motivates any anti social behavior. If i had to guess its probably a combination of crappy upbringing, substance abuse, atheism and a general lack of moral fibre
  17. Tweakedirl

    EU+US Welcome F2P/Vet re-rolls.

    Hey the truth will set you free, and dont we all love free shit in this bracket?. I love Somfas and his Australian timezone friendly stream.
  18. Tweakedirl

    Recent PvP Changes

    19s can get this?
  19. Tweakedirl

    EU+US Farming 29 baddies who que bug

    So that single viewer is a saudi prince with a fetish for overweight incels or something? I just assumed it was your mum Thats interesting, because youre completely absent from the daily wargames occuring in the 59 bracket, a bracket that you've taken credit for single handedly establishing...