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  1. Pepsi

    How you can lose ? xD

    Allright this fucking post is completely retarded.. I love that defcon are queuing atleast It gives the horde alot more challenge from the 5 man premade. ( I know you dont do 5man queue all the time but u are still stronger than the alliance) By them 5man queuing or 10man queuing imo it actually...
  2. Pepsi

    Bring back the bracket

    Yea i feel you man.. We need some serious promotions and maybe some more guilds on horde so you arent the only 1 with response ability. Which will make it easiere for the bracket too oragnize shit, if there is 2 huge guilds on horde just as there is on ally, PoA And Classic... If u have any...
  3. Pepsi


    WSG can get boring in the long run is its lovely with some variety ;)
  4. Pepsi


    This bracket... FeelsBadMan :(
  5. Pepsi

    WTS Defias Gear

    How u wanna do the trade ? And how much are u looking for in the belt?
  6. Pepsi

    Bring back the bracket

    FeelsBadMan Im not an autist :(
  7. Pepsi

    Looking for Gloomshroud and Shadowfangs :)

    Hello, Pepsi here :) Im looking for 2x gloomshrouds and shadowfangs. Id preferable want those on either ravencrest ally or Stormscale horde. Just pm me or write to me ingame Lawnmowér ss horde or Pepsimonk ravencrest ally
  8. Pepsi

    Muchas gracias amigos SS Horde

    If you could please takes this conversation, somewhere else. Since I dont feel this has anything to do with the guild. Thanks, Pepsi.
  9. Pepsi

    Bring back the bracket

    Mehh bracket is good, just too many retards that can't agree with each-other. Otherwise it would actually be a decent bracket :)
  10. Pepsi

    Muchas gracias amigos SS Horde

    Haha LennywBoreanTundra u catch them right feels =)))
  11. Pepsi

    Muchas gracias amigos SS Horde

    Gracias mi amigo =)
  12. Pepsi

    Muchas gracias amigos SS Horde

    Muchas gracias amigos This is a newly made guild on Stormscale Horde. We dont want this guild to fail as the many other guilds have on this realm because of the many personlities, the missing content, wargames etc etc.. This guild is not just gonna be a guild where we invite everyone and...
  13. Pepsi

    Que popping?

    Mm is nothing? ok.. Fine. And my name?? I cant be named Pepsi? And name 1 fucking char i have qt init? my names is Pepsielf, Pepsisham, Byebabe, Madting.. I admit im bad at names but its not like im a young boy.. And ulufsson? Ur last name or something? very Ingenuity. Kappa =) So why u flame my...
  14. Pepsi

    Que popping?

    Im just saying. MM hunters is just as worse as BA armor so if u would be so kind to invovle that in ur thread that would be nice, since u are way smarter than i am since im only 17. :))))) xD xD
  15. Pepsi

    Best spec for rouge

    Well all the specs are good :D But I think combat is superior compared too the others.. :D 1. Combat 2. Assanation 3. sublety Much love, Pepsi.
  16. Pepsi

    Que popping?

    #Ulufsson Allright bro here's the thing. I was born in 1998 so ofcourse i didnt fucking play in vanilla. I was too young too use/understand a computer at that time where WoW came out. (Plus I didn't have the money for a decent computer at that time) So what you're saying is that I shouldn't be...
  17. Pepsi

    Que popping?

    #Ulufsson Just hard to understand a underprivileged human being.. Aww ye sorry let me just say retard instead so you can understand it.. Not many people like you AND you are supposed to be the horde gm? I really hope u get along with blindbandit cuz if u dont rip bgs.. U are simply so...
  18. Pepsi

    How bad can you be...

    Queing 13 people still loose? FeelsBadMan But lets dont forget that horde tend to queue their own premades consisting of 5-7 players which just hurts :( But yea 13 baguettes is never good hehe <3
  19. Pepsi

    20-29s Armory List

    Hello :) Here is some chars for your list. I built them for my personal preferences u could change some enchants if u like but this is what i like playing with :D here we go.. : Cocologic @ Ravencrest - Community - World of Warcraft : Arms Warrior Gnome :) Lawnmowér @ Stormscale - Community -...
  20. Pepsi

    Que popping?

    Why are you even doing this too yourself. You are just embarresing youself? Holy fuck buckets it is unbeliveable... Get your fucking facts right... U think ive got my achivements from lvl 70? Suck my fucking dick I got them from lvl 90 in MoP So fuck off man.. ANd sure i might be shit at...