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  1. Alchemy

    I know there's a trinket for alchemy stones that we can use in 20's. I can't remember if i saw someone with a proc trinket or not. What expansion(s) do we want for alchemy? already maxed classic. I haven't seen any guides for alchemy.
  2. (NA) 10s in Game Communities

    still doesnt work
  3. F2P & Vet Armory List [SHADOWLANDS] -- mt vet MM
  4. leg and shoulder enchants-- how to do it?

    How are players getting these enchants on their gear? is it from a higher level with trading from when running thru dungeons?
  5. EU+US Corruption below 120

    YO WTF?! I WANNA DO IT. - Waterbottle/god. How?! bruhhhhhhhhhhh
  6. Korrak AV Event lf fellow twinks to play with

    update -- I've went horde
  7. Korrak AV Event lf fellow twinks to play with

    im down bro. just add me on btag.
  8. Korrak AV Event lf fellow twinks to play with

    Hey! I'm twinked the F out for AV. i would love to play with people who are also twinked out on alliance side add me on btag waterbottle#11605
  9. WTB Spellfire and whitemend on Bleeding hollow US

    WTB Spellfire and whitemend on Bleeding hollow US Or if you can craft, please add me on btag i can get mats. Waterbottle#11605
  10. Originals are back!

    RIP. i might be otuof luck this year but im glad it's going to the 7th of jan lol so far at least 1 loot per day
  11. xpoff xploit patched

    this was patched literally last night.
  12. xpoff xploit patched

  13. Originals are back!

    388 WF can socket too. yummy.
  14. party sync in 111-119

    playing against 120's feels like playing against a 300 ilvlish twink. still fun, however anyone with 333 gear or 310 gear will roll them put 2-3 on the opposing team and just you, it's a very fun time.
  15. Firelands TW Raid - shame 119's are gone :(

    Firelands has sick ass loot -- that TW would be legit AF for some people.
  16. US The 20-29s Directory (Armory, Guilds)

    ally community is full, can yall do a clean up to allow more 20's in?
  17. best zones to quest for epic chance - Casters

    whats the best zones to quest for casters to get epic upgrades from quests?
  18. Naga Hide

    Naga Hide is broken in lower level brackets and is putting massive absorb on people. rogues are hard to kill with it.