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  1. Shook

    Underrated change for tomorrow

    Chain heal is getting a 33% buff via spellpower coeficient on top of a +50% increase in pvp. Long risky heal bombs inc. Stack that haste
  2. Shook

    US It's about time. . .

    idk... I think mw blows rsham out of the water. Cocoon, Tripple roll, incap and a 1700 heal hot that takes 1 global to apply. Yes sheer is great but the rsham kit at 39 isnt there. Riptide is a joke without rippling waters talent. 700-800hp hard casts are pretty weak as well.
  3. Shook

    Consumables in 39s

    Hello darkness my old friend
  4. Shook

    US Am I the most geared 39 rogue world?

    Where are the honorable og 4k hp rogues at!? Rip Wotlk
  5. Shook

    US 39's Armory List

    H MW monk
  6. Shook

    We Missed A Great Opportunity...

    Fully agree OP
  7. Shook

    Thoughts on Holy Pally?

    It needs moneyz =[
  8. Shook

    US To - Asmongold & 39xpoff community - a message from 39 xpoff Coordinator

    He doesn't have any BiS Boes....
  9. Shook

    Thoughts on Holy Pally?

    P: Mobility C: You have to hard cast a lot
  10. Shook

    US 39's Armory List Horde Resto Shaman
  11. Shook

    US BoE Burning Steppes farmers

    hey hey! Current 39s are a shadow of the wrath glory days but 39s in BFA are for sure much better than Cata-Legion. I mainly play 120 but 39 twinks are great to escape to for some fun atm.
  12. Shook

    US BoE Burning Steppes farmers

    I only have 2 Accounts, so farming by myself is really inefficient. If anyone else is looking to snag some juicy epics and can contribute to the farming with a high lvl add me. Shook#1374
  13. Shook

    US 39s current state

    The only thing Live has over Warmane is Server Stability. Activity, game play, time commitment, price, and community is vastly superior on Warmane.
  14. Shook

    39s, The Future and Regarding Bracketmaster

    What? Me: Q nights need to last longer otherwise people will go out with friends (yes I would choose 6 hours of 39s over a bar night that happens 3 nights a week) You: People should never play wow over irl friends/activities. go outside! cheers Me: Some of us always have something going on...
  15. Shook

    39s, The Future and Regarding Bracketmaster

    Sorry I assumed everyone had a large enough friend pool to have something to do every weekend other than 39s. Your opinion is 100% correct in that case. No one should sacrifice their yearly obligated friend get together for 39s!
  16. Shook

    39s, The Future and Regarding Bracketmaster

    "I would hope that people are not sacrificing IRL friends/activities over playing 39's." What you just said there is implying that people who play 39s over irl things are making a poor choice. (poking fun of/judging) There is always something else to do irl. Meaning, every time you play 39s...
  17. Shook

    39s, The Future and Regarding Bracketmaster

    If I am playing on a friday or saturday night, that means I decided to play games over going out with friends. Unless you only have 3 friends, this applies to many people. If you are over the age of 20 and still poking fun at people not going outside you must be insecure as fuck.
  18. Shook

    39s, The Future and Regarding Bracketmaster

    Extremely bold opinion. Regardless if that brought more activity, it goes against everything most of us 39s want in a twink bracket.
  19. Shook

    39s, The Future and Regarding Bracketmaster

    I believe a closing date of the WoD season 2 era of 39s should be set by Boostz. And the reigns of the bracket should be handed over to someone to put it down completely or keep it on Wargame only mode. The bracket is losing activity faster than it is gaining activity. I don't think its...