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  1. Exercise

    Is there a guide or anything that shows when the invasions are happening/where?

    Is there a guide or anything that shows when the invasions are happening/where?
  2. Exercise

    US Favorite TC moment?!

    I enjoyed the whole Final series more than anything, although it was all enjoyable imo. Great commentating too :)
  3. Exercise

    England have left the EU twice this week #rip

    England have left the EU twice this week #rip
  4. Exercise

    US Twink Cup 2017?

    What's this merge you speak of :o?
  5. Exercise


  6. Exercise

    EU+US Double Argas [?]

    I have all the Looms :), I meant bind when equipped* my bad
  7. Exercise

    EU+US Double Argas [?]

    Well that sucks, so if I wanna gear a 19 now there's really no point buying all the boes?
  8. Exercise

    EU+US Double Argas [?]

    So stats don't even matter in Legion or what?
  9. Exercise

    EU+US Double Argas [?]

    Hello, I was just wondering post-legion, will Double Argas still be viable, or wouldn't it be worth it? I'm not entirely sure about the changes in legion etc Thanks, Danny
  10. Exercise

    What time is TC on today?

    What time is TC on today?
  11. Exercise

    Can't wait for TC :)

    Can't wait for TC :)
  12. Exercise

    US Returning to WoW: wanna 19 twink!!!

    The most fun class is an opinion dude :) So I'd recommend just levelling a few 19s and then deciding what to main :)
  13. Exercise

    US Twink cup today!!!

    Thought it was in 4 hours?
  14. Exercise

    GB leaves the EU!

    Immigrants work the jobs the lazy british won't work. I don't mind them being in the country, but the benefit system also brings in a lot of immigrants that abuse that system. It's getting too overcrowded now and being in the EU is allowing more in.
  15. Exercise

    As far as i'm aware @DeLinsay David Cameron resigned (think he will be around to approx October).

    As far as i'm aware @DeLinsay David Cameron resigned (think he will be around to approx October).
  16. Exercise

    GB leaves the EU!

    In the long run it will be better, it's our generations time to put up with some shit for a few years. Although the votes say Leave is higher, it doesn't necessarily mean that we will leave. The votes aren't legally binded meaning it's still up to the politicians.
  17. Exercise


    Would love to join, will happily make this my main realm. Would love an invite now although 19s are dead, just to get stuff sorted on my 19.
  18. Exercise

    EU Active EU 29s A&H?

    Hello, I'm just wondering if anyone could name a few guilds in the 20-29 bracket that are active? Both Horde and Alliance. Thanks
  19. Exercise

    EU Active EU 19s Guilds?

    Are there any active 19s guilds in EU atm? I'm willing to start on a new server (will eventually character transfer). I've just returned so wanting a 19s guild to join for motivation, Grinding for the BiS can get kind of boring when not in a guild being able to talk to people. Thanks, Danny.
  20. Exercise

    EU+US Fishing Riding Turtle

    You can't fish them yourself. If you party up with someone that has 'Draenor Fishing' unlocked you can get them to do it, setting the loot so you're master looter then them killing it. Although I wouldn't recommend doing this on a 19. There's 2 mounts that can be obtained from there (Riding...